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I've been seeing these things on social media and didn't know what they were.Β 

Wordle 201 5/6


Turns out it's a daily game called wordle. It's pretty fun and takes a few minutes a day to playΒ 


Thought others may enjoy it and could be fun to have a thread to share our scores everyday if it picks up.Β 

The above is my results for today. (it's just easier to click the link to get the rules of the game than to explain here.Β 

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Kinda interesting seeing different strategies. I was trying to figure it out with always having a chance to get it on the next guess. I noticed both you went in a different way. Probably a better strategy overall to try to get more letters figured out earlier but i was trying to be right.

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7 minutes ago, tspoke said:

Kinda interesting seeing different strategies. I was trying to figure it out with always having a chance to get it on the next guess. I noticed both you went in a different way. Probably a better strategy overall to try to get more letters figured out earlier but i was trying to be right.

5 guesses no matter what strategy though!

Remember that every argument you have with someone on MWCboard is actually the continuation of a different argument they had with someone else also on MWCboard.Β 

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3 hours ago, bsu_alum9 said:

How do you get the output like that?

Took 4 lines yesterday, 5 today.

I click the share button when it comes up after I finiish. It says its copied to my clipboard then come here and paste it.Β 

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