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Corona Virus - How bad is it going to be?

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25 minutes ago, xx_97 said:

So the supposed top infectious disease doctor in the United States didn't "know at the time" the science ( in the year 2020) behind masks and infectious disease?    Is this what you are saying?


Bwhahahahahahaha.   The low IQ left wing mind.    Keep going, sheep!

I mean, yes. That's how science works. When there is something new, you have hypotheses that are tested. When they are proven wrong with data, you change them. 

"not knowing about something new" is kinda necessary to the scientific process lol


10 minutes ago, NVGiant said:

You know, I didn't think "Bob, but overtly racist" was a niche we needed to fill on this board. But yet, here we are.

Bob lost his mind with covid but contributes in other areas.

the next time xx97 posts to contribute in anything that doesn't touch directly on grievance or identity politics will be the first, I believe. 

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2 hours ago, xx_97 said:

The "science" behind face masks that have been around for 150 years to the infectious disease expert?    Bwahahahahahahahahaha.


Let me guess Lebron James just now becoming an "expert" on "something new" regarding the fact that basketballs can bounce and be dribbled, right?

Will Ferrell Reaction GIF


You believe the overwhelming majority of the worlds leading doctors and scientists are less educated on Covid than Donald Trump and a handful of right wing political sites/Facebook groups.. 


A man who believes working out actually kills you, because your body is born with finite energy. And stared into an eclipse. This is your guy who knows Covid.

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2 minutes ago, xx_97 said:

Like Fauci?


“There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.”


Baaaaaaaaaa!    Foolish sheep!   What's he contradict himself on tomorrow that you'll lap up you low IQ'er?

You sure like posting out of context quotes today don’t you.. 

But let’s be real here you don’t care about the contradictions, if you did you’d be calling out Trump and his circle of idiots for doing the same. Truth doesn’t matter either. You just want your team to look like it’s winning.

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5 hours ago, xx_97 said:

The "science" behind face masks that have been around for 150 years to the infectious disease expert?    Bwahahahahahahahahaha.

Hmm yes those pre-germ theory peer reviewed mask studies

5 hours ago, xx_97 said:

Let me guess Lebron James just now becoming an "expert" on "something new" regarding the fact that basketballs can bounce and be dribbled, right?

Will Ferrell Reaction GIF


he's definitely an expert on basketball but not really sure what that has to do with science

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6 hours ago, xx_97 said:

I've presented data on various things.   You are a dumb one.

tHe CoUnTrY

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3 minutes ago, xx_97 said:

Yes, the country, evil one.


The 5 states with the highest vaccination rates are as follows:


Vermont, Rhode Island, Maine, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.


In order of rank where these states land in terms of per capita covid cases over the last 2 weeks:

Worst, 2nd worst, 4th worst, 5th worst, and 6th worst.


Yeah, that's RIGHT.    Unbelievable.   The 5 states with the highest vaccination rates now are all among the worst 6 when it comes to Covid cases over the last few weeks.


What does that data tell you about how effective this bullshit is in containing the pandemic?      The thing is I'm pro-vaccine.     I'm anti-mandate........and against the policitization of this bullshit that Dems have been doing since the beginning.

It tells me that pop density matters. 

Pretty much everyone has figured out that the novel coronavirus is trending towards either endemic or serially pandemic like the flu. Vaccines reduce hospitalizations and deaths to the degree that our health care system isn't overstressed. We know that from math - those facts. That's containment.

Again, you go off on your feelings when facts are right there.

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1 minute ago, xx_97 said:

It's so novel that masking and it's effects on Covid transmission is completely different than the flu, cold.......and its transmission with masks?


Please explain to us all how Covid is passed on is so comletely different the flu or a cold?    This should be a good one.   I'll grab the popcorn!

you're infectious well before the onset of symptoms.

that's pretty much it. and it is what matters the most. it's what separates it from far deadlier MERS for example. 


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Just now, xx_97 said:

Yikes.   A lefty talking about "feelings".    Oh, the irony there.   ROFL!

how is that ironic? you've been using it all night

Just now, xx_97 said:


Ahhh, so it's not about ending the pandemic anymore?   That was all a bunch of bullshit.    It's about our healthcare system is "overstressed".    If it's "overstressed" anymore it's more so in states with higher vaccination rates, evil one?

um, no. that isn't what the data shows. for that matter, the supply of vaccinated even in the most vaccinated states is sufficient to provide community spread. 

Just now, xx_97 said:


Maybe you can tell us all how Fauci learned so much about airborne communicable diseases that he hadn't learned in the previous 55 years regarding their transmissioin that changed masks from being of "no use" to needing to wear multiple.


Evil one.    You are sick.


1, we didn't know how very transmissible coronavirus was

2. we didn't have a supply of PPE, so randos were discouraged from eating up the supply needed for medical professionals. 

That was a mistake but it was based on the idea that we could contain it early on. Knowing what we know now, that wasn't going to happen. That's okay! If it had worked, wonderful. 

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Just now, xx_97 said:

LMAO.    That's a good little sheep, evil one.

am I a sheep, or am I evil? those are pretty incompatible

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2 hours ago, East Coast Aztec said:

The notion that it is only the democrats that politicized COVID


it's what I've been saying about biases right? when you believe the politics, it is not politicization. It is just the way the world works, or speaking truth to power, or, shoot, a fish not noticing that they are in water.

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6 hours ago, xx_97 said:

Yes, the country, evil one.


The 5 states with the highest vaccination rates are as follows:


Vermont, Rhode Island, Maine, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.


In order of rank where these states land in terms of per capita covid cases over the last 2 weeks:

Worst, 2nd worst, 4th worst, 5th worst, and 6th worst.


Yeah, that's RIGHT.    Unbelievable.   The 5 states with the highest vaccination rates now are all among the worst 6 when it comes to Covid cases over the last few weeks.


What does that data tell you about how effective this bullshit is in containing the pandemic?      The thing is I'm pro-vaccine.     I'm anti-mandate........and against the policitization of this bullshit that Dems have been doing since the beginning.

So New England having an increase in Covid cases in mid-December is a surprise to you.  So much that you find it unbelievable?

Edit:  why is NH left off the list?  Where do they rank.  You obviously know since you brought up NH a week ago.

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On 12/15/2021 at 11:39 AM, NVGiant said:

I hate to say stuff like this. But perhaps the answer really is to prioritize the cardiac patient over the unvaccinated Covid patient when hospitals are overrun? Ration care to the willfully unvaccinated in field hospitals so we can prioritize patients who have nothing do with it. Such a repugnant idea on its face, though.

Not repugnant in my mind. 

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. 

Choices have consequences. 

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22 hours ago, IanforHeisman said:

He probably eats babies too am I right? Jesus Bob, take a mental health day bud.


I wonder what goes on in your brain when you justify Fauci as corrupt but Trump worthy of leading the free world. What does Fauci gain by getting people vaccinated. 

Like you said earlier. Covid exposed a whole new level of stupid that I had no idea existed. 


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