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Corona Virus - How bad is it going to be?

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On 2/28/2024 at 3:02 PM, halfmanhalfbronco said:

Fauci helped +++++ing Peter Draszak move funding to the WIV, he helped him and his team circumvent concerns the other departments had on such research, they both played fast and loose to get that funding.  When national security denied their funding (forget the exact agency I am on my phone in a restaurant) they found "creative" ways to get that funding to the Bat Lady and the WIV.  Draszak specifically put forth and is responsible for the idea of creating a furine cleavage site to better attach to humanized lung cells in mice.  That was his idea with the blessing of Fauci.  It was their pet project they kept hidden from oversight as much as they could.

And tens of millions died because of it.  And then they lied, bullied, screamed and shouted.  

+++++ Fauci.  He is an evil man and should die behind bars.  


Got ya. Forgot about his role in the gain of function research. My remembery doesn't work as well as it used to. I should probably run for President.

On 2/28/2024 at 4:11 PM, halfmanhalfbronco said:

Being smarter than everybody else takes a toll

How did you develop immunity? :rimshot1:

On 2/28/2024 at 4:34 PM, grandjean87 said:

It's natural to feel a lab origin is likely, but that's part of the psychology of being a normal consumer of news and information n the USA.  It's what has been fed in the popular media.  Illusory Truth Effect 101.  And, there are legit science folks who still lean to a lab origin.  But, in a recent survey of worldwide experts by the Global Catastrophic Risk Institute, 82% of virologists were in the zoonotic origin camp.  77% of all disciplines combined in the survey also say zoonosis. P47, iirc. 

As for that WSJ article linked a few posts back it is old news.  It's an opinion piece that appears to be a regurgitation from a few months back by reporter, not virologist nor scientist, Emily Kopp.  The repackaging of old news as new is endemic on this subject.  Wait until next week, there will be more. 

A few quick points.  The study proposal known as "DEFUSE" was never funded.  It did not happen.  Research was targeted to the collaboration in North Carolina (UNC).  North Carolina, not Wuhan (10.02.22 @flofebarre "...the insertion work described in DEFUSE was planned to be done at UNC...".  

Then there is what the study proposal was for the research that was not done.  It does not match up with the unique S1/S2 spike coding sequence (which occurs in nature).  The proposal was for work on S2.  

I am sure my opinion is chock full of bias, and admittedly, almost totally uninformed. I guess it is because I honestly don't care about the assignment of blame for this issue as much as others. My concern has been more on the Public Health response than in the origins. Especially since the origins are in China, who doesn't give a +++++ about anything and wouldn't change anything about what they decide to do even if it resulted in a pandemic that killed millions. I have always thought it kinda useless to get worked up about it.

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On 2/28/2024 at 5:52 PM, grandjean87 said:

Cleavage not chevage.  You of all people should know cleavage.  

I'm going to respond to you one time only before taking another break from posting. It will echo our last phone conversation which as I was driving home from the dog park one day a few weeks back.  You should recall. 

I love you, Pj.  You are an idiot. 

Yeah typo.

Nah man.  I am smarter than you. If I hit my head with a hammer a bunch you might be able to beat me in checkers.  Probably not though.  

Dude...come on.  Your racoon dog study was mathed the +++++ out.  You actually put a lot of faith in it IIRC.  It was destroyed.  



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On 2/28/2024 at 5:52 PM, grandjean87 said:

Cleavage not chevage.  You of all people should know cleavage.  

I'm going to respond to you one time only before taking another break from posting. It will echo our last phone conversation which as I was driving home from the dog park one day a few weeks back.  You should recall. 

I love you, Pj.  You are an idiot. 

What !!!!!

You don't need a break @grandjean87

Cmon. Stick around and make accountant jones at my "expense" 

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On 2/28/2024 at 6:21 PM, halfmanhalfbronco said:

If there is justice in the world, Faucie should die screaming....The death he wrought can not be forgiven.  

Millions of deaths are on their feet.  Anthony and Peter were told as much.  They were told this could lead to the potential end of the world.  And Anthony +++++ing Fauci went along with it.  Then he tricked all the idots on the left.  Yes, the idiots on the left were fooled by Fauci.  +++++ him.


This should be the biggest story in the world right now.  It is not because Biden, and China, do not want it to be.

You have had your tinfoil Maga hat on lately. Are you a qanon/Kenedy cult member now?  

You wish with a lot of more wild eyed certainty than the factual consensus warrants. 

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On 2/28/2024 at 6:02 PM, Akkula said:

You have had your tinfoil Maga hat on lately. Are you a qanon/Kenedy cult member now?  

You wish with a lot of more wild eyed certainty than the factual consensus warrants. 

youtube fashion GIF


There is nothing tin-foil hat about believing the virus leaked from that lab.


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On 2/28/2024 at 5:52 PM, SharkTanked said:

Got ya. Forgot about his role in the gain of function research. My remembery doesn't work as well as it used to. I should probably run for President.

How did you develop immunity? :rimshot1:

I am sure my opinion is chock full of bias, and admittedly, almost totally uninformed. I guess it is because I honestly don't care about the assignment of blame for this issue as much as others. My concern has been more on the Public Health response than in the origins. Especially since the origins are in China, who doesn't give a +++++ about anything and wouldn't change anything about what they decide to do even if it resulted in a pandemic that killed millions. I have always thought it kinda useless to get worked up about it.

One quick one before I go back to hiatus mode. 

There is virtual unanimity among virologists and related fields that lab safety, protocols, and ethics are paramount to safety.  International health, lab, and science organizations can do that work.  Intelligence work has to fill in for the underground gaps.  That's problematic, but they can do what they can.  

But, there has been a strong outcry from the virology world that the  biggest danger in the future for an even worse pandemic is being ignored/overrun by the politicalization of the lab leak industry.  The number of zoonotic events is almost incalculable.  The region of the world where SARS-CoV-2 emerged is a hot spot for many reasons, and it is not alone.  Very little has really been done to avoid what the future will eventually bring.  We are four years-plus out and that means four years closer to the next and the political energy is not even close to addressing zoonotic risks. Late edit: world expert virologists surveyed placed an 82% probability that SARS-CoV-2 was of zoonotic origin, 77% for combined disciplines.   https://www.science.org/content/article/virologists-and-epidemiologists-back-natural-origin-covid-19-survey-suggestsThat should tell everyone about future pandemic risks. 

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On 2/28/2024 at 4:48 PM, Motown Monty said:

another thing odd to think about in retrospect

I recall a liberal friend, very highly educated professor, who posted on facebook that all of the deaths were preventable, if we had simply been all in on a 2 week complete lockdown, where no one left the house

later, he amended that to people social distancing and wearing masks..

then the election became a referrendum on Trump handling the pandemic.  I got the icky vibe that people were cheering death on because they pandemic was being utlized as a referrendum on Trump and saying "Trump has blood on his hands" by not quickly acting to stop the pandemic and it was all preventable.


weird how the 2020 election was all about Covid in a lot of ways.  and 2024 it is not even an issue.

Why is COVID not a big issue in 2024 when it was in 2020? I dunno, maybe this graph might shed some light on that:


I mean, police brutality against black people was a pretty big issue in 2020. So weird how it isn’t in 2024! Or maybe it actually isn’t that weird, because four years are in between presidential elections and shit changes a lot in four years.

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On 2/28/2024 at 5:52 PM, grandjean87 said:

Cleavage not chevage.  You of all people should know cleavage.  

I'm going to respond to you one time only before taking another break from posting. It will echo our last phone conversation which as I was driving home from the dog park one day a few weeks back.  You should recall. 

I love you, Pj.  You are an idiot. 

Just read the entire 24 pages of the study. LMAOOOOOOOO

You can not get away with this from me, because I am +++++ing just flat out smarter than you (I read that entire thing in half an hour, 4 different times, you jackass)

1,138 invitations were sent to invite candidates to take part in the survey.  Only 182 responses were collected.  Meaning of the scientists who were contacted to be put on record of their beliefs, only a tiny fraction responded, and the ones that did...might have had a reason to.  The vast, overwhelming majority of scientists contacted refused to participate.  Of the ones that did?  Same old names over and over and over...that we have seen for years protecting their buds.

Get your bull shit out of here when talking to me.4



Again, step the +++++ back before you call me an idiot, old man.

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On 2/28/2024 at 6:02 PM, bornontheblue said:

What !!!!!

You don't need a break @grandjean87

Cmon. Stick around and make accountant jones at my "expense" 

He's jonesing for an accountant or are you jonesing for him? Please tell me you don't have cleavage. That would be creepy. 



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On 2/28/2024 at 8:06 PM, halfmanhalfbronco said:

Just read the entire 24 pages of the study. LMAOOOOOOOO

You can not get away with this from me, because I am +++++ing just flat out smarter than you (I read that entire thing in half an hour, 4 different times, you jackass)

1,138 invitations were sent to invite candidates to take part in the survey.  Only 182 responses were collected.  Meaning of the scientists who were contacted to be put on record of their beliefs, only a tiny fraction responded, and the ones that did...might have had a reason to.  The vast, overwhelming majority of scientists contacted refused to participate.  Of the ones that did?  Same old names over and over and over...that we have seen for years protecting their buds.

Get your bull shit out of here when talking to me.4



Again, step the +++++ back before you call me an idiot, old man.

So, no @grandjean87 82% of virologists DO NOT believe in a natural zoonotic event.  Of the 1,138 scientists only contacted, only 15% gave an opinion, of that 15 % that opined 82% postulate it "most likely" as zoonotic in origin. 

Next time remember who the +++++ you are talking to before trying to pull that shit. 

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On 2/28/2024 at 8:06 PM, halfmanhalfbronco said:


1,138 invitations were sent to invite candidates to take part in the survey.  Only 182 responses were collected. 

You misread.  Registration was sent only to those who expressed interest.  It did not state how many did so.  But, 85% of those registered ostensibly completed the in-depth, time consuming survey such for data to be compiled.  This wasn't a 10mt. phone call or online survey.  The study hit its min. target range, and like any good study had all kinds of caveats listed.  82% of the virologists those who completed the survey and 77% of expert respondents say zoonosis.  That comports with the leading, well known virologists. 

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On 2/28/2024 at 8:51 PM, grandjean87 said:

You misread.  Registration was sent only to those who expressed interest.  It did not state how many did so.  But, 85% of those registered ostensibly completed the in-depth, time consuming survey such for data to be compiled.  This wasn't a 10mt. phone call or The study hit its min. target range, and like any good study had all kinds of caveats listed.  82% of the virologists those who completed the survey and 77% of expert respondents say zoonosis.  That pretty much com

Step the +++++ back old man

"Outcome 1,138 invitations were sent to invite candidates to take part in the survey. Over 800 candidates were contacted through personalized emails from a senior project lead, rather than by automated communication. Registration links were then sent to only those who responded and indicated interest in participating. Ultimately, 214 individuals completed the registration, and 182 responses were collected"

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On 2/28/2024 at 8:53 PM, halfmanhalfbronco said:

Step the +++++ back old man

"Outcome 1,138 invitations were sent to invite candidates to take part in the survey. Over 800 candidates were contacted through personalized emails from a senior project lead, rather than by automated communication. Registration links were then sent to only those who responded and indicated interest in participating. Ultimately, 214 individuals completed the registration, and 182 responses were collected"

"Registration links were then sent to only those who responded and indicated interest in participating."

Au Revoir, MWCBoreD. 

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On 2/28/2024 at 8:57 PM, grandjean87 said:

"Registration links were then sent to only those who responded and indicated interest in participating."

Au Revoir, MWCBoreD. 

Wait so now you are pouting and going to take your ball and go home?  Just because I destroyed your claim that 82% of virologists think that it came from a natural zoonotic shift?

You are going to take your ball and go home because you lost a debate?  Really?

You were +++++ing wrong.   Get over it.  Learn something and humble yourself.  I do all the time.   You can as well.

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"Outcome 1,138 invitations were sent to invite candidates to take part in the survey. Over 800 candidates were contacted through personalized emails from a senior project lead, rather than by automated communication. Registration links were then sent to only those who responded and indicated interest in participating. Ultimately, 214 individuals completed the registration, and 182 responses were collected"

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On 2/28/2024 at 8:51 PM, grandjean87 said:

You misread.  Registration was sent only to those who expressed interest.  It did not state how many did so.  But, 85% of those registered ostensibly completed the in-depth, time consuming survey such for data to be compiled.  This wasn't a 10mt. phone call or online survey.  The study hit its min. target range, and like any good study had all kinds of caveats listed.  82% of the virologists those who completed the survey and 77% of expert respondents say zoonosis.  That comports with the leading, well known virologists. 

Imagine that. They had an interest, alright. Just curious, did all the virologists that went against your theory and were censored, black balled and called conspiracy theorists by the left-wing government, media and social media get an invitation to take part in that survey? 

SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab in China and the Chinese Government, the U.S. Government and spearhead Dr. Anthony Fauci tried to cover it up. The world was lied to, and all in the name of power.  










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