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I am Ram

"Media Bubbles Aren’t The Biggest Reason We’re Partisans"

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Interesting read on Fivethirtyeight:




Maybe you call it a bubble. Maybe you call it a silo. Maybe you just call it an echo chamber. But whatever metaphorical, narrow and enclosed space you prefer, there’s a good chance you’ve been told that one of the great social problems of our time is Americans getting their political news from biased sources. Conservatives watch Fox News. Liberals watch MSNBC. The news tells us what we already believe and distorts reality around partisan talking points.

But here’s the thing: That’s not how it works. Turns out, news of our bloated, biased media diets has been greatly exaggerated. It could even be said that the “media bubble” narrative is … wait for it … fake news.



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"And, while the use of social networks and search engines were associated with a larger partisan divide — they were also associated with people being more frequently exposed to more opinions they disagreed with."



Sooooo... this is the same? Is it now?


You look up partisan news feeds to give your brain a dose of "I'm right, they're wrong. They're dumb."

You look up partisan news feeds. Are then exposed to the opposite version partisan news feed. Your brain says "Look at how wrong and dumb they are. I'm so right."



All is well, For Rice is gone.                  

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13 hours ago, bluerules009 said:

So you believe the media when they say they aren't at fault?  HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

I don't think Fivethirtyeight counts as "the media." Also, the focuses on traditional linear news media like Fox News and MSNBC as well as Facebook. 

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