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Fort Fun

...coming up for air- New Zelda game

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Wii U or Switch?

I picked up my Wii U PO at GS but won't have that kinda time to get into it for a while. And I'm not even gonna bother trying to find a Switch, unless I see one in the wild #BeenThereDoneThat 


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I picked up a Switch on Friday. The local Fred Meyer had 36 of them that morning. I got there 15 minutes before they opened and was able to snag one. I also picked up Zelda: Breath of the Wild and it is every bit as good as the game critics were saying it was. I haven't played close to 60 hours (that's crazy), but I'm probably 15 hours into the game. It's a very addicting game. I also own a Wii U. I've heard it's almost identical on either machine.

There are only 6 games that have every received a 98 or higher on Metacritic and the new Zelda game is one of those.



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On 3/6/2017 at 6:46 AM, Hugh Jiddump said:

Wii U or Switch?

I picked up my Wii U PO at GS but won't have that kinda time to get into it for a while. And I'm not even gonna bother trying to find a Switch, unless I see one in the wild #BeenThereDoneThat 

I pre-ordered a Switch. It's underpowered compared to the competition, but being able to grab the console and go beat a couple more shrines in bed is pretty freaking sweet. I can't believe I'm playing a game like BOTW on a handheld.

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On 3/5/2017 at 11:11 PM, Fort Fun said:

I've just been playing the new Zelda for the past 60 hours or so and it's incredible. I almost missed the CSU/UNR game because of it. Anyone else grab a copy?

I just got the Switch and Breath of the Wild. Gotta agree. Timely reply, I know. 

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5 hours ago, happycamper said:

I just got the Switch and Breath of the Wild. Gotta agree. Timely reply, I know. 

It’s pretty great. Never finished it, but man is it a leap forward in the series.

We’re all sitting in the dugout. Thinking we should pitch. How you gonna throw a shutout when all you do is bitch.

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5 hours ago, happycamper said:

I just got the Switch and Breath of the Wild. Gotta agree. Timely reply, I know. 

Same here. Lot of fun that game is. Still trying to track down all of the shrines. 

Mario Kart on there is incredible, too...same with Mario 3D World. I love the sports games on PS3/4/5, but man, you can't beat the Zelda and Mario games on the Switch...plus it has all of those old NES/SNES games on there too. Can't beat it with a stick.

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Oh we doing this? If you like BotW, and you find yourself getting interested in Zelda lore I recommend also picking up Skyward Sword HD. Is it BotW? Hell no, there is only one BotW, but the games are closely related and there are locations in BotW that are clearly locations from Skyward Sword but many years in the future. 

If you've watch the trailer for BotW2 it looks like Link will be returning to Skyloft. I don't know how closely related the two games are but something is up at Nintendo.





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3 hours ago, MetropolitanCowboy said:

Zelda: A Link to the Past is my all-time favorite Zelda game, followed by Zelda I...but BoTW is amazing, absolutely amazing, and makes the triumvirate for me. 

Any idea of how that new one is that just got released?

The Sequel to Breath of the Wild isn't expected until next year. The only other Zelda releases have been the Switch remakes of Link's Awakening and Skyward Sword. 

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18 hours ago, thelawlorfaithful said:

It’s pretty great. Never finished it, but man is it a leap forward in the series.

Man it is the first post ~2010 game I have been able to get in to and I am all in. 

17 hours ago, MetropolitanCowboy said:

Zelda: A Link to the Past is my all-time favorite Zelda game, followed by Zelda I...but BoTW is amazing, absolutely amazing, and makes the triumvirate for me. 

Any idea of how that new one is that just got released?

My proudest gaming accomplishment is beating link to the past with 0 deaths and 0 saves. I love that game. ~15 hours in, I think breath of the wild might win. that said, it's a lot bigger game. 

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17 hours ago, MetropolitanCowboy said:

Zelda: A Link to the Past is my all-time favorite Zelda game, followed by Zelda I...but BoTW is amazing, absolutely amazing, and makes the triumvirate for me. 

Any idea of how that new one is that just got released?

There is a timeline in the Zelda story. The very first event in the timeline is the events in Skyward Sword, the very last events in the timeline (for now) is Breath of the Wild. If you like BotW and think you will pick up it's sequel I recommend getting Skyward Sword HD. Based on the BotW2 trailer it sure looks like Link is going back to some version of Skyloft. That said Skyward sword is a completely different playing experience both in controls and linear story flow. 

https://www.zelda.com/about/ Timeline info





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1 minute ago, AztecSU said:

There is a timeline in the Zelda story. The very first event in the timeline is the events in Skyward Sword, the very last events in the timeline (for now) is Breath of the Wild. If you like BotW and think you will pick up it's sequel I recommend getting Skyward Sword HD. Based on the BotW2 trailer it sure looks like Link is going back to some version of Skyloft. That said Skyward sword is a completely different playing experience both in controls and linear story flow. 

https://www.zelda.com/about/ Timeline info

Skyward Sword is the worst Zelda IMO (however, I haven't played all the handheld ones). Too much backtracking and the characters are cringey (cough, groove, cough).

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36 minutes ago, Stealthlobo said:

Skyward Sword is the worst Zelda IMO (however, I haven't played all the handheld ones). Too much backtracking and the characters are cringey (cough, groove, cough).

You mean Groose? Skyward Sword is definitely the worst Zelda when it comes to game controls and your partner Fi...but the HD re-release fixed a lot of those issues. It follows the same model as Ocarina of Time and Twlight Princess...mainly a linear story that includes objects needed to advance the story and playable areas. I recommend this game if you are in to the overarching story of Zelda and because the BotW2 trailer is clearly hinting at a connection to Skyward Sword. 





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5 minutes ago, AztecSU said:

You mean Groose?

I recommend this game if you are in to the overarching story of Zelda and because the BotW2 trailer is clearly hinting at a connection to Skyward Sword. 

Ya, sorry autocorrect...

Oh really? That's interesting. How does it connect?

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59 minutes ago, Stealthlobo said:

Ya, sorry autocorrect...

Oh really? That's interesting. How does it connect?

Watch the trailer....when Zelda falls into the pit the next shot looks like Link descending to Skyloft, but a decayed version in the future. Its clearly a version of Skyloft. 


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21 minutes ago, AztecSU said:

Watch the trailer....when Zelda falls into the pit the next shot looks like Link descending to Skyloft, but a decayed version in the future. Its clearly a version of Skyloft. 


Makes sense now. I never put 2 and 2 together before.

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