utenation Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 Like I said, not trying to start an argument. I've been watching since about August of last year, but I agree that's a relatively short amount of time relatively speaking. I'm comfortable letting the subject drop and trying to acclimate. Just sit back and watch, this puppy will be quite entertaining, I promise.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
calpoke25 Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 The final will come down to Ian and Bluerules. Some of the other are annoying but at least try and be objective (albeit while wearing their teams glasses), however these two are just here to be annoying pricks. It may come down to those two. But Steve Aztec at his peak could blow anyone out of the water. Convert can't be counted out either. His steady stream of garbage just keeps flowing and flowing like the oil leaking out of the Gulf floor. Unfortunately the MWC board is the Louisiana Coast. 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NorCalCoug Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 Just FYI... All polls need to be public polls when the "The Big Turd" showdown begins. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coastie Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 It may come down to those two. But Steve Aztec at his peak could blow anyone out of the water. Convert can't be counted out either. His steady stream of garbage just keeps flowing and flowing like the oil leaking out of the Gulf floor. Unfortunately the MWC board is the Louisiana Coast. Is TCU Robert out of the race after coming out of the Mars closet?? Bobby has some style!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SleepingGiantFan Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 Is TCU Robert out of the race after coming out of the Mars closet?? Didn't TCU Robert just morph into Rebel Robert? Quote Boom goes the dynamite. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coastie Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 Didn't TCU Robert just morph into Rebel Robert? I don't think so. Rebel Robert is a long long time poster here. Although I don't agree with him on several topics, I think RR is a good poster, and is known for being pretty outspoken. That's why I happen to think a certain troll took the "robert" part and made up another troll to get more bites. Come to think of it, I've noticed several people who haven't posted in a while. I'm wondering if Admin started banning multiple handles?? 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
calpoke25 Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 Speaking of people who don't post here anymore, what happened to the great SteveAztec? Did the asylum in San Diego finally catch up with him? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
utenation Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 Come to think of it, I've noticed several people who haven't posted in a while. I'm wondering if Admin started banning multiple handles?? While I'm happy he is not here, what ever happened to Steve Aztec(SGF's brother ). He fell right off the grid. I'm wondering if he gave up or got banned? Is he still on Aztectalk? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
utenation Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 Did the asylum in San Diego finally catch up with him? I hope they have Full Metal Jacket as a video choice on movie day... 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZK686 Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 Thing about Fresno Trolls is they are seasonal except for Yoda.. This board was loaded with Fresno trolls before the Wyoming game. There was that ZK guy that was always posting pics of his retired hooker wife with cottage cheese thighs but I think he lost his backbone and conceded Fresno really is a turd and Hill is washed up. We can't have quiters in this race. LOL...I'd be laughing if I said that wasn't funny, or somewhat true. I'm at the point where I have little to no confidence in Hill and the direction he's taking the program, so it's tough to defend. As for hooker wife and cottage cheese thighs, well, that's my style, I'm all about the thickness... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
utenation Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 As for hooker wife and cottage cheese thighs, well, that's my style, I'm all about the thickness... I figured anyone that would disrespect their own wife by putting her pic in way too small skimpy clothing on a meat grinder forum for a bunch of testosterone junkies wouldn't mind an honest evaluation.. I hope the poor girl knows you've been plastering her pic all over the internet.. I have a feeling she doesn't mind. I think it was Celeritas that found this gem of her about a year ago.. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nevada Convert Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 LOL. The urenation sheep voting poll...I love it. We get to see how many sheep Daddy has. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
utenation Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 LOL. The urenation sheep voting poll...I love it. We get to see how many sheep Daddy has. Anyone betting on Convert, this is a good sign.. BTW Convert, this isn't my flock.. I'm happy to be a part of it though... I think you're looking strong for a # 1 seed buddy. Probably the only thing Nevada has a chance to win these days. 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coastie Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 LOL. The urenation sheep voting poll...I love it. We get to see how many sheep Daddy has. Convert!!! There you are buddy!! Where's that list I'm waiting for???? 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nevada Convert Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 Convert!!! There you are buddy!! Where's that list I'm waiting for???? I just posted it on the other thread, so go read and enjoy. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nevada Convert Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 Anyone betting on Convert, this is a good sign.. BTW Convert, this isn't my flock.. I'm happy to be a part of it though... I think you're looking strong for a # 1 seed buddy. Probably the only thing Nevada has a chance to win these days. I'm certainly not a troll, but everyone has their own definitions I guess. If by winning this it's an acknowledegment for all the work I've done to counter your BS and being the biggest anti-urenation equalizer there is, then I hope I win in a landslide!! Actually, to be honest, I don't care what you guys do with your boredom. It's just another pre-football season dull-drum dumb thread/poll. It ain't going to change anything except maybe entertain yourselves. 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
calpoke25 Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 Anyone betting on Convert, this is a good sign.. BTW Convert, this isn't my flock.. I'm happy to be a part of it though... I think you're looking strong for a # 1 seed buddy. Probably the only thing Nevada has a chance to win these days. He is a little slow out of the gates, but I'm sure he will come on strong down the home stretch. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
utenation Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 It's just another pre-football season dull-drum dumb thread/poll. It ain't going to change anything except maybe entertain yourselves. I agree. Nevada will end up with 7 wins in a bad conference, get blown out against their AQ OOC and Boise, then polish things off by getting humiliated in their bowl game again. Pre-Football for you means a chance to talk about the T25 and competing.. Once the season starts, reality begins. 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nevada Convert Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 He is a little slow out of the gates, but I'm sure he will come on strong down the home stretch. I think natty is probably the biggest offender of bypassing the cuss word filter...although I'm guilty of it too with different spellings. Speaking of cuss word spellings, a long time ago when I first got out of school at SDSU I went to work for Farmer's Insurance as a claims adjuster in an claims office in Miramar/Mira Mesa area. That was one crappy job. Anyway, because of the Vietnamese folks that live in Mira Mesa, I had to make calls to a lot of names that were hard to pronounce. So one day I'm dialing the number and I look up at the sheet and it says Insured: Phuc Yu. It didn't dawn on me until a lady answered and I started to pronounce it. The lady didn't speek any English at all. So I said "Can I speak to...Phuc Yu?" and she said "Nguyen? Nguyen?" and I said "No, Phuc Yu"...and she didn't understand me and kept saying "Nyguyen?", so I said it really slow and was getting a bit frustrated "No, Phuuuuuc Yuuuuuu" So my boss hears me saying this and I see him coming over out of the corner of my eye, and I just pointed to the name and he just busted up laughing. So then the whole office was laughing while I was trying to deal with this lady. That's one of the better names, but there were some other pretty good ones. 1 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
utenation Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 I'm certainly not a troll, Anyone opposed for Convert as a # 1 seed? Pure denial has to rank at the top of the list for RPI. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...