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The World’s Been Begging For It: New Lara Trump Release

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[Begin Rant]

Whoever’s taking her money and encouraging her music career should be arrested, immediately, and sentenced to hard time. 

Sure, you could say that every second of her singing is a violation of the Geneva Convention. The first thing that came to mind for me was, “No! Please just waterboard me”. Just look at the other singer while Lara is singing. She’s either contemplating suicide or is about to collapse and need a 1st responder, herself:


Look, if she was good or even so-so, I’d say so. Her biggest problem is she just inherited a lousy sounding voice. She could invest 1,000’s of hours into singing and she wouldn’t need heavy auto tune anymore, and she’d be able to master vocal vibrato, but her voice would still sound terrible. It might improve some, but not everyone is born with a singers voice. 

Why in hell did they put a good singer in there to make her voice sound even shit’ier by comparison. Then they duetted, and that was even worse. And who writes a song about 1st Responders anyway? and with lyrics that pathetic? And that cheesy and cliche? 

[End Rant]

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