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NHL IN SLC Utah 2024/25

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On 4/11/2024 at 5:35 PM, utenation said:

I’m a big fan of pro sports being downtown in cities. It adds so much character pre and postgame.  Looks better on tv too. I understand why owners chose the suburbs or even further. 

Denver is one of my favorite cities for these reasons. Not to mention free public transportation downtown. 

Totally agree.  Putting any pro sports venue out in the suburbs and surrounding it with parking lots is a huge missed opportunity.  Downtown stadiums and arenas create symbiotic relationships with surrounding restaurants, bars, stores and hotels.  They also put games within walking distance or a short transit hop for thousands of fans.  Better for attendance and franchise health in the long run, and the increased economic activity expands the tax base for the city.

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On 4/12/2024 at 12:45 PM, HawaiiMongoose said:

Totally agree.  Putting any pro sports venue out in the suburbs and surrounding it with parking lots is a huge missed opportunity.  Downtown stadiums and arenas create symbiotic relationships with surrounding restaurants, bars, stores and hotels.  They also put games within walking distance or a short transit hop for thousands of fans.  Better for attendance and franchise health in the long run, and the increased economic activity expands the tax base for the city.

I'm a 49ers fan. There is a reason TV cameras never show shots outside of Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara.  You bet your ass if it were downtown, they'd have all kinds of skyline shots. 

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Per Fox13,  Coyote players have been told the Team is moving to SLC 



"We don't have evidence but, we have lot's of theories."

Americans Mayor

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On 4/12/2024 at 9:34 PM, masterfrog said:

It is too bad the thing most associated with Utah culture, jazz, is taken. 

SLC Punk.

Good culture movie 

"We don't have evidence but, we have lot's of theories."

Americans Mayor

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On 4/13/2024 at 9:22 AM, Rosegreen said:

Is this a permanent move or temporary until Phoenix gets their arena?

It’s a sale of the team. I think the NHL said PHX would be considered for an expansion team if they build a stadium. 

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A buddy of mine from Alaska that went to UU & now lives in Beaver, UT; posted about the ‘yotes move from The PHX to The SLC on FB.  He thinks they need to change the name.


Here’s how I responded to him:

Y’all kept the “Jazz” when your NBA franchise relocated from NoLA. Yet you can’t keep an indigenous wild canine that roams all over Utah?

Here are some ideas I came up with for you:
• Soakers 
• Beekeepers 
• Jell-O Eaters
• The Jacks
• Square(s) [State Dance]
• Coal [State Rock]
• California Seagulls^ [State Bird]
• M1911s [State Firearm]
• Fightin’ Cherries [State Fruit]
• Cutthroats [State Fish]
• Allosauruses [State Fossil]
• Sugar Beets [State Veggie]
• Brine Shrimp [State Crustacean]
• Fightin’ Momos
• LD Saints
• The Swarm [of Crickets]
^ There are 30 varieties of gulls in North America & y’all pick the only one that starts w/another State’s name? I guess the other ones didn’t participate in the ‘Miracle of the Gulls.’ 
Until y'sll get a sponsor for the Zamboni, call it the:
Attached is mock-up logo of my favorite new name for the SLC Coyotes:
The Utah COAL • “Roll Coal!”
            — BEAT the —
         Ute State Aggies




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On 4/13/2024 at 3:08 PM, utenation said:

It’s a sale of the team. I think the NHL said PHX would be considered for an expansion team if they build a stadium. 

That's the prevailing story. Meruelo (current owner) keeps the name "Coyotes" but all the records and everything go with the team to SLC and the new owners. Meruelo and the city of Phoenix then have five years to get an arena deal done and built to guarantee that we get an expansion team.

In the meantime he's moving the AHL affiliate from Tucson to Phoenix to continue to play in the ASU arena.

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On 4/12/2024 at 12:56 PM, utenation said:

I'm a 49ers fan. There is a reason TV cameras never show shots outside of Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara.  You bet your ass if it were downtown, they'd have all kinds of skyline shots. 

Yeah and the 49ers are an extreme case, because they basically moved to a completely different market. San Jose/south bay is a completely different metropolitan area according to the census bureau. Might as well have renamed them the San Jose 49ers.

I completely agree with you on downtown stadiums for basketball/baseball/hockey. However, I can understand NFL stadiums being in the burbs just for the room for tailgating/parking. 

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On 4/15/2024 at 9:53 AM, bigd said:

Yeah and the 49ers are an extreme case, because they basically moved to a completely different market. San Jose/south bay is a completely different metropolitan area according to the census bureau. Might as well have renamed them the San Jose 49ers.


That'll be news to the TV networks.  And Santa Clara is a different MSA, same CSA.  The Bay Area is one market.



It gives me a headache just trying to think down to your level

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I wonder if the NHL will move Colorado and Utah to the Pacific division and Calgary and Edmonton to the Central?  There could be a bit of a three-way rivalry between Col-UT-Vegas.




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