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Most of you guys consider yourself liberal and support liberal politicians and govt.

Classic Liberals are long gone.   The term Modern Liberal, IMO doesn't fit well anymore (look up the definition)

More and more are claiming the Progressive tag.... or should it be Social Democratic?  IDK Pull a little from each

Do some research.

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On 4/10/2024 at 7:47 AM, Jackrabbit said:

Most of you guys consider yourself liberal and support liberal politicians and govt.

Classic Liberals are long gone.   The term Modern Liberal, IMO doesn't fit well anymore (look up the definition)

More and more are claiming the Progressive tag.... or should it be Social Democratic?  IDK Pull a little from each

Do some research.

Lol. Look up the definition of Conservative and compare it to the leading lights of the GQP. “Do some research.”

Thay Haif Said: Quhat Say Thay? Lat Thame Say

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On 4/10/2024 at 9:54 AM, bornontheblue said:

Why is everyone here so triggered by jackrabbit? 

he says stupid things.  Like 'do some research' not 5 minutes after ignorantly posting about Arizona.


Triggered is probably the wrong word.  That implies anger.  I, for one, look forward to his musing.  It's fun to point them out.  Although, I suspect, he gets off on the attention.  So I feel like I'm adding a little joy to his life.

It gives me a headache just trying to think down to your level

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On 4/10/2024 at 8:56 AM, RSF said:

he says stupid things.  Like 'do some research' not 5 minutes after ignorantly posting about Arizona.


Triggered is probably the wrong word.  That implies anger.  I, for one, look forward to his musing.  It's fun to point them out.

I gave you a logical answer over there and respects the separation of powers.  You dont want that.

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On 4/10/2024 at 8:56 AM, RSF said:

ignorantly posting about Arizona

Was it ignorant because it conflicts with your opinion? That is a difference opinion, not ignorance. 

I have no idea what he said. I have not really paid much attention to that thread? 

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On 4/10/2024 at 9:59 AM, Jackrabbit said:

I gave you a logical answer over there and respects the separation of powers.  You dont want that.

the idea that you think its logical for them to ignore a law to enforce another speaks volumes.

It gives me a headache just trying to think down to your level

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On 4/10/2024 at 9:59 AM, bornontheblue said:

Was it ignorant because it conflicts with your opinion? That is a difference opinion, not ignorance. 

I have no idea what he said. I have not really paid much attention to that thread? 

no, its ignorant because didnt take 5 minutes to look at the back story.  I did that for him.  Because that's the kind of great guy I am.  My opinion is that the legislature got it right in 2022.

It gives me a headache just trying to think down to your level

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On 4/10/2024 at 8:47 AM, Jackrabbit said:

Most of you guys consider yourself liberal and support liberal politicians and govt.

Classic Liberals are long gone.   The term Modern Liberal, IMO doesn't fit well anymore (look up the definition)

More and more are claiming the Progressive tag.... or should it be Social Democratic?  IDK Pull a little from each

Do some research.

Jack, we are in the midst of a political realignment.  Exactly how it eventually shakes out is still to be determined, but the liberal-conservative construct (how to view ideology) is even more flawed now than a decade back.  The main part of the political realignment involves the Republican Party which has become something other than a reflection of conservative values.   It's become largely populist.  Many Americans fit right in there.  They just need to hear about the boogeymen whether they are immigrants, trannys, students, antifa, maybe even elites, or whatever the target of the outrage du jour is.  

There are self-professed liberals/progressives here who favor expanding roles for government, but I've noted others who are closer to former "conservatives", libertarians, and Reagan or Goldwater Republicans who don't favor government expansion as a general principle.  They, like me, push back on what the right wing especially Trumpism has foisted onto the body politic.  That's not being a liberal or a progressive.  That's avoiding idiocy.  I still have a hard time thinking this great nation even considers that unintelligent, emotionally stunted, narcissist as viable for anything other than prison or reality tv. 


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On 4/10/2024 at 9:45 AM, SharkTanked said:

That term feels oxymoronic. I like it.

I’ve heard the term radical centrist used before as a way to actually describe real politicians. So while we can quibble over whether “centrists” can be equated with “pragmatists”, the concept of people in the middle being radical is not a new one. Someone that has an ideology that happens to be in between two dominant political parties can still be a radical advocate for that preferred ideology. 

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My worldview has made me very left wing as far as my political positions go.

As far as what I call myself, I don’t really care enough to come up with some specific name for my ideology, because honestly who gives a shit? I dunno, I’m a voter. 

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On 4/10/2024 at 9:54 AM, SalinasSpartan said:

I’ve heard the term radical centrist used before as a way to actually describe real politicians. So while we can quibble over whether “centrists” can be equated with “pragmatists”, the concept of people in the middle being radical is not a new one. Someone that has an ideology that happens to be in between two dominant political parties can still be a radical advocate for that preferred ideology. 

I just like the idea of a pragmatist being radical. Makes me giggle for some reason.

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On 4/10/2024 at 10:38 AM, grandjean87 said:

Jack, we are in the midst of a political realignment.  Exactly how it eventually shakes out is still to be determined, but the liberal-conservative construct (how to view ideology) is even more flawed now than a decade back.  The main part of the political realignment involves the Republican Party which has become something other than a reflection of conservative values.   It's become largely populist.  Many Americans fit right in there.  They just need to hear about the boogeymen whether they are immigrants, trannys, students, antifa, maybe even elites, or whatever the target of the outrage du jour is.  

There are self-professed liberals/progressives here who favor expanding roles for government, but I've noted others who are closer to former "conservatives", libertarians, and Reagan or Goldwater Republicans who don't favor government expansion as a general principle.  They, like me, push back on what the right wing especially Trumpism has foisted onto the body politic.  That's not being a liberal or a progressive.  That's avoiding idiocy.  I still have a hard time thinking this great nation even considers that unintelligent, emotionally stunted, narcissist as viable for anything other than prison or reality tv. 


Myself...identify w many Dem party policies of the 1960s.   At least at that time they respected free speech and property rights. Not so much now.


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