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Appetite for Destruction was peak Rock music

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I liked GnR when Appetite for Destruction first came out, but it has had no staying power for me. Now I can't really understand what I liked about it in the first place.

Give me any Metallica, ACDC or pretty much any grunge band over this for "peak" rock music.

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On 4/7/2024 at 10:07 AM, grandjean87 said:

Michael Jackson sucked. 

Can we say overrated?  I won't go as far as saying he sucked.

That's pretending we don't know what we know now. 

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On 4/7/2024 at 10:39 AM, gold-n-brown said:

Can we say overrated?  I won't go as far as saying he sucked.

That's pretending we don't know what we know now. 

Well, I wasn't referring to music. 

Yeah, he was a huge popular phenomenon. I don't begrudge his fans or even lasting critical praise for Jackson's music.  Not to my tastes, but that's okay. 

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On 4/7/2024 at 8:23 AM, SharkTanked said:

I liked GnR when Appetite for Destruction first came out, but it has had no staying power for me. Now I can't really understand what I liked about it in the first place.

Give me any Metallica, ACDC or pretty much any grunge band over this for "peak" rock music.

Agreed 100%!  I think for me GNR was so different from the cookie cutter hair bands (Cinderella, Europe, LA Guns, Bon Jovi, etc...) that were starting to saturate the late 80's hard rock scene with seeing who could get the biggest hair or sing the sappiest ballad.  GNR just had darker lyrics and a unique sound that appealed to me in the moment.  I still have the AFD cd but haven't spun it in years.  I never bought GNR's albums after AFD.  Alternative and grunge had my attention by then.

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On 4/7/2024 at 8:23 AM, SharkTanked said:

I liked GnR when Appetite for Destruction first came out, but it has had no staying power for me. Now I can't really understand what I liked about it in the first place.

Give me any Metallica, ACDC or pretty much any grunge band over this for "peak" rock music.

It’s rock for young men (no offense). I didn’t like GnR because of Axel’s voice but then it clicked. It’s visceral, edgy, expertly crafted and played music written to encompass the feelings of late male adolescence. There’s little depth because that wasn’t the point. 19 years after its release I finally understood it. 19 years later it still sounds good but it has no depth that applies to me so it’s lost it’s appeal.

I think that’s why Axel took so many chances on the Use Your Illusion albums and why Chinese Democracy destroyed the band. They weren’t who their audience was anymore and couldn’t figure out how to mature with them.

We’re all sitting in the dugout. Thinking we should pitch. How you gonna throw a shutout when all you do is bitch.

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How are you defining "rock music" in this instance? Because I can think of a number of albums that fit into that meta category that are all significantly better than that album. 

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On 4/7/2024 at 4:46 AM, Nevada Convert said:

Best Selling Albums of all time with MJ @ #1 and AC/DC at #2.

For the love of God, who are all the idiots that actually bought that Meat Loaf album??? It’s an embarrassment to humanity. 



Album sales don't even come close to defining how great an album is/was. I think you'd agree, since Pearl Jam doesn't show up at all in your list. 

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I'll also say that I own a ton of vinyl in the stuff that Convert posted. Appetite for Destruction isn't one of them, and likely won't ever be unless I'm looking to expand the collection for the sake of expansion. 


  • Thriller
  • Hotel California
  • Led Zeppelin IV
  • 21
  • 1
  • Black Album
  • The Dark Side of the Moon
  • Back in Black
  • Supernatural
  • The Eminem Show
  • Clapton Unplugged
  • Nevermind
  • The Joshua Tree
  • Purple Rain
  • Dookie
  • (What's the Story) Morning Glory

There are a lot more, but I got bored typing them out. 

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On 4/7/2024 at 6:03 PM, thelawlorfaithful said:

It’s rock for young men (no offense). I didn’t like GnR because of Axel’s voice but then it clicked. It’s visceral, edgy, expertly crafted and played music written to encompass the feelings of late male adolescence. There’s little depth because that wasn’t the point. 19 years after its release I finally understood it. 19 years later it still sounds good but it has no depth that applies to me so it’s lost it’s appeal.

I think that’s why Axel took so many chances on the Use Your Illusion albums and why Chinese Democracy destroyed the band. They weren’t who their audience was anymore and couldn’t figure out how to mature with them.

Wouldn't say young men, but young people. I knew many if not more women who loved them, and I think those women have stayed fans longer than the men.

They definitely capture the adolescent angst vibe, but so have so many others whose music is more timeless (like all the grunge bands).

I think it comes down to they did something different when people were clamoring for that, but they actually weren't that talented. Nor was their music all that good. They were just different in a time of cookie cutter bands. Like NWC said.

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On 4/8/2024 at 5:06 AM, SharkTanked said:

Wouldn't say young men, but young people. I knew many if not more women who loved them, and I think those women have stayed fans longer than the men.

They definitely capture the adolescent angst vibe, but so have so many others whose music is more timeless (like all the grunge bands).

I think it comes down to they did something different when people were clamoring for that, but they actually weren't that talented. Nor was their music all that good. They were just different in a time of cookie cutter bands. Like NWC said.

The difference between them and their metal peers is key. The other bands sounded like they just wanted girls to like them. Girls liked GnR without trying to appeal to them. In that way, they were the most honest band in a genre filled with liars. Boys felt it and girls respected it. And nobody else was doing it.

We’re all sitting in the dugout. Thinking we should pitch. How you gonna throw a shutout when all you do is bitch.

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I was supposed to see GNR when they were slated to open for Iron Maiden in Sacramento in the late 80s (can't remember the year).  It was a rainy night and for some reason, GNR would not take the stage.  Iron Maiden played 4 or 5 additional songs.  I was not disappointed.


Edit:  So I was curious after all these years why GNR did not take the stage.  The internet is awesome.  It was 1987 (Seventh Son tour) and Axl would not take the stage because he thought GNR should play AFTER Iron Maiden.  Oh my.  I forgot what a putz that guy was.

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