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Moving to Vegas

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On 4/3/2024 at 8:14 AM, SharkTanked said:

Yeah it really is the chain restaurants, the big box retail and grocery stores that can be a little less convenient, though not as much in your location. The Spring Valley area has seen quite a few grocery stores move out in favor of the ethnic grocers (asian and hispanic). But its not like you can't get most of what you would need from those stores too.

My current location is a little more convenient for work, but I would love to move back to your area after I retire. Downsize the house in favor of a bigger lot. Plus it is closer to the medical core which will be nice as we age. That area has a ton going for it.

Getting an H Mart at Sahara and Decatur.  I'm excited for that.  Yes, Chinatown is awesome. Can't even try all the good places because there's too many.


For the bougie they are supposed to be putting in a more upscale grocery store in Symphony Park by the Smith Center.


Ever been to a big Mexican grocery store like Cardenas?  They are a blast! amazeballs bakery, freshly made tortilla chips and salsa.  There's one right by the meadows mall and if it weren't so god dang busy I'd actually prefer shopping there rather than Smith's.  Even though I get the vibe they are a tiny bit passive aggressive about speaking Spanish to white people lol. But that's okay, I can speak enough to get around a grocery store.  

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On 4/3/2024 at 8:09 AM, SharkTanked said:

Yup. Went to school with Clint. My wife's house was two houses down from the Reynolds, so she knew them much better. We didn't travel in the same social circles as them though.

We may have talked about this before now that I think of it.

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On 4/3/2024 at 8:37 AM, toonkee said:

Getting an H Mart at Sahara and Decatur.  I'm excited for that.  Yes, Chinatown is awesome. Can't even try all the good places because there's too many.


For the bougie they are supposed to be putting in a more upscale grocery store in Symphony Park by the Smith Center.


Ever been to a big Mexican grocery store like Cardenas?  They are a blast! amazeballs bakery, freshly made tortilla chips and salsa.  There's one right by the meadows mall and if it weren't so god dang busy I'd actually prefer shopping there rather than Smith's.  Even though I get the vibe they are a tiny bit passive aggressive about speaking Spanish to white people lol. But that's okay, I can speak enough to get around a grocery store.  

Yeah I love me those big Mexican markets. Awesome carne.

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On 4/3/2024 at 7:14 AM, toonkee said:

Yes, it is. A weird area. Edge of downtown meets some light industrial meets a few very old houses. 

The Tenaya Creek brewery is on Bonanza over there now.

Beer Zombies bought Tenaya Creek, but they will keep brewing the TC brand beers 

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On 4/3/2024 at 7:42 AM, SharkTanked said:

Yeah, you can find great neighborhoods anywhere in Vegas. A lot of the older neighborhoods have a character that you can't find elsewhere. Sure they don't have the same amenities that move out to the burbs, but they also have other, more ethnic and authentic family-owned restaurants and markets and such that people from the burbs come in to dine and shop at. You don't need chain grocery stores and chain restaurants to live. My Dad's house was near Chinatown and if I was more into Asian cuisine, I probably would've kept it and moved back into the old house. There are some fantastic restaurants down there.

And I agree that many places in the "nicer" part of town ain't all that nice.

Even the old parts of Vegas are young by most metro standards. The majority of the city is post 1970. There aren't that many neighborhoods older than that.

As a kid when my dad was transferred to LV we looked at brand new houses which were in a development called Francisco Park........which was at Pecos McCleod & Vegas Valley Drive just east of Valley HS .........when we bought out on Flamingo & Boulder Highway (brand new Centex development), Chaparral HS was just being built 

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On 4/3/2024 at 7:58 AM, Poorohman said:

Yeah the subdivisions are nice. I have a few friends that live there. The problem is you have to shop at the store on Sahara/Charleston and Valley View.  Same thing with Lake Las Vegas.  Fantastic place.  But you're doing all your shopping/ business on Boulder Hwy/Lake Mead with methheads.

This was the problem with LLV when if first got going, there was NOTHING out that way back in the mid 90's ..........we knew a sales guy out there & they were so desperate to get some building going they subordinated a lot to us to build on (if when the house sold, we'd pay them back for the cost of the lot) 

A Contractor buddy & me built this house in the circle in 1996 - To this day there's 3 empty lots across the street -- It was hard to sell when the nearest grocery was at BH & LM or you had to go to the bait shop out on the highway to get a quick milk 


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On 4/2/2024 at 8:42 PM, toonkee said:

Oh yeah? I didn't know Englestadt was over there. There's something the Englestadt foundation donated right by there. Like a private park next to a church. Interesting. 

Yes, have some friends and associates on the other side of the tracks in John S Park, Huntridge, etc.  Some amazing homes and great people over there. My great grandma lived on Santa Paula. My dentist as a kid was on Paradise and St Louis. Wish that little house was still in the family. 

I grew up in old North Las Vegas off of Lake Mead and Eastern in the real hood. Rancho High class of '94. 

Ralph came out to LV from South Dakota, got a contractors license & started developing - Built some houses on the west side off Lake Mead & named a street after himself 


Then he was buying land and doing some other developments like the old LOCATION ONE industrial office park on Valley View & Desert Inn Rd - Plus some other things around the area........then he got a chance to buy a little slot joint on the strimp across from Ceasars Palace called the FLAMINGO CAPRI & eventually built the IMPERIAL PALACE Casino where he lived in a penthouse with his offices on other tower -- Flamingo Capri photo from 1967 below -- Can see the wash that still exists & runs under the old IP 

Vintage Las Vegas — Flamingo Capri Motel, 1967

Vintage Las Vegas on X: "Flamingo Capri took their name and the design of  their neon from the Flamingo (next door) but they had their own unique  color scheme for the motel

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On 4/3/2024 at 10:35 AM, UNLV2001 said:

As a kid when my dad was transferred to LV we looked at brand new houses which were in a development called Francisco Park........which was at Pecos McCleod & Vegas Valley Drive just east of Valley HS .........when we bought out on Flamingo & Boulder Highway (brand new Centex development), Chaparral HS was just being built 

I know the neighborhood exactly. There's two variations of Francisco Park. The older section is on the west side of Eastern. Cinder block houses. I grew up in old Francisco Park's sister development in nlv, College Park. Same floorplans. 

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On 4/3/2024 at 11:39 AM, toonkee said:

I know the neighborhood exactly. There's two variations of Francisco Park. The older section is on the west side of Eastern. Cinder block houses. I grew up in old Francisco Park's sister development in nlv, College Park. Same floorplans. 

Guess the name goes back to when Sahara Blvd was called San Francisco -- before the Sahara Hotel was built and then the streets running east got the hotel names 

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On 4/3/2024 at 10:52 AM, UNLV2001 said:

Ralph came out to LV from South Dakota, got a contractors license & started developing - Built some houses on the west side off Lake Mead & named a street after himself 


Then he was buying land and doing some other developments like the old LOCATION ONE industrial office park on Valley View & Desert Inn Rd - Plus some other things around the area........then he got a chance to buy a little slot joint on the strimp across from Ceasars Palace called the FLAMINGO CAPRI & eventually built the IMPERIAL PALACE Casino where he lived in a penthouse with his offices on other tower -- Flamingo Capri photo from 1967 below -- Can see the wash that still exists & runs under the old IP 

Vintage Las Vegas — Flamingo Capri Motel, 1967

Vintage Las Vegas on X: "Flamingo Capri took their name and the design of  their neon from the Flamingo (next door) but they had their own unique  color scheme for the motel

Thanks for the Englestadt history lesson. I always wondered about that name but never really investigated too much for some reason. 

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On 4/3/2024 at 11:42 AM, UNLV2001 said:

Guess the name goes back to when Sahara Blvd was called San Francisco -- before the Sahara Hotel was built and then the streets running east got the hotel names 

That makes perfect sense. 

My subdivision began in '54 and in old maps it still says San Francisco. It would be so much fun to have a time machine and just explore your own city.

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historical aerial photograph of Las Vegas, Nevada, 1972 ...

This photo is from 1972 - Can see the Airport south with the golf courses the dark areas - Dunes on the lower left, Tropicana GC to the east...........then Desert Inn the square with the LV Country Club with few houses built and the Sahara CC to the east with the old houses around it 

Looks like Decatur Blvd ends at what might be Desert Inn -- Craig Rd the thin 2 lane line going across the top from Rancho Rd to LV Blvd N 

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On 4/3/2024 at 10:52 AM, UNLV2001 said:

Ralph came out to LV from South Dakota, got a contractors license & started developing - Built some houses on the west side off Lake Mead & named a street after himself 


Then he was buying land and doing some other developments like the old LOCATION ONE industrial office park on Valley View & Desert Inn Rd - Plus some other things around the area........then he got a chance to buy a little slot joint on the strimp across from Ceasars Palace called the FLAMINGO CAPRI & eventually built the IMPERIAL PALACE Casino where he lived in a penthouse with his offices on other tower -- Flamingo Capri photo from 1967 below -- Can see the wash that still exists & runs under the old IP 

Vintage Las Vegas — Flamingo Capri Motel, 1967

Vintage Las Vegas on X: "Flamingo Capri took their name and the design of  their neon from the Flamingo (next door) but they had their own unique  color scheme for the motel

My wife was looking at this listing not far from that park.

https://search.theschneidergrp.com/search/detail/208515452?utm_content=view-all-listings-button&utm_source=listing-alert&s[beds]=2&s[poly][0]=-115.21587433712153 36.33345659062163%2C-115.38753571407466 36.33345659062163%2C-115.38478913204341 36.12630416890405%2C-115.30651154415278 35.9580754988556%2C-115.18909516231685 35.92972445687361%2C-115.18154206173091 35.94918214929773%2C-115.18016877071528 35.95585225533136%2C-115.1808554162231 36.13129556166871%2C-115.15956940548091 36.15513894549894%2C-115.15476288692622 36.175649544145365%2C-115.17192902462153 36.173986722578036%2C-115.18840851680903 36.188396670459966%2C-115.1808554162231 36.325158905200716%2C-115.18154206173091 36.33456288191006%2C-115.21587433712153 36.33345659062163&s[propertyTypes][0]=house&s[propertyTypes][1]=townhouse&s[baths]=2&s[maxPrice]=400000

People, not a fan.


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On 4/3/2024 at 11:54 AM, azgreg said:

What kind of planes fly out of N Las Vegas Airport?


Small private types, maybe a few commercial tour type flights to the Grand Canyon but it's a secondary airport for private planes like Henderson & Boulder City 



North Las Vegas Airport (VGT) is the second–busiest public use government airport in both the Las Vegas area and the state of Nevada, serving as the primary airport for general aviation and scenic tours. Featuring three asphalt runways, the airport is a premier general aviation destination.

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On 4/3/2024 at 12:00 PM, UNLV2001 said:

Small private types, maybe a few commercial tour type flights to the Grand Canyon but it's a secondary airport for private planes like Henderson & Boulder City 



North Las Vegas Airport (VGT) is the second–busiest public use government airport in both the Las Vegas area and the state of Nevada, serving as the primary airport for general aviation and scenic tours. Featuring three asphalt runways, the airport is a premier general aviation destination.

One of the listings we checked out is right in line with the runway. However, it's just a stones throw from Las Vegas Golf Course so there's that.


People, not a fan.


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