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NCAAB Coaching Carousel

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On 3/25/2024 at 9:12 AM, ---I GREEN INFECTION I--- said:



Haha…Santa Barbara -vs- FresNO.

Are you serious?  BIGGEST NO BRAINER in the WORLD!!!


Q:  What’s the bump in salary going UCSB >>> CSU-FresNO?





His time to leave was after last year's tourney.

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On 3/25/2024 at 9:21 AM, jdgaucho said:


His time to leave was after last year's tourney.


Why would anyone ever leave the CentCoast (SB, SLO, etc…)?  It’s God’s Country, I tell ya!!!

I’d like to retire there.  However it’s kind o’ spendy.  For what it would cost me to retire in SLO/Pismo, I can have 2-places.  One in Ft Collins, Colo & another in Colombia, SoAmerica.


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On 3/25/2024 at 1:49 PM, ---I GREEN INFECTION I--- said:


Why would anyone ever leave the CentCoast (SB, SLO, etc…)?  It’s God’s Country, I tell ya!!!


Might be why we've only had three HCs since April 1983, all of whom with at least a pair of NCAA bids. And the previous two coaches retired there.  


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On 3/25/2024 at 2:14 PM, jdgaucho said:

Might be why we've only had three HCs since April 1983, all of whom with at least a pair of NCAA bids. And the previous two coaches retired there.  


Your preachin’ to the choir, Brother.

Are Halloweens on Playa Vista & ISVT Wknd in IV still major events up there?


EDIT:  I answered part of my own question (kinda) about ISVT as of the publication of the 2009 piece linked below.  I’d be curious to know, what the size is for the Downtown event these days, that is if it still exists.  

The local paper says, It’s now called the All-Sorority Volleyball Tournament (ASVT) sponsored by the ATO House at UCSB.  “The fraternity’s event became far too large and disruptive for the streets of the small college town, forcing them to relocate the event in 2007 to a more accommodating space (in) downtown…” SB.  Haha…you could say the same thing about IV on Halloween in the mid/late-‘80s.

"24 participating sororities – some coming from as far as UC Davis and USC.”  It sounds much smaller than the ones in IV I attended in the mid/late-‘80s.  :-(   I find it very hard to believe no houses from SD participated.  Back-in-the-day, when I traveled up from SDSU, there were multiple teams from SDSU, USD & UCSD.  




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On 3/25/2024 at 12:21 PM, bigd said:

Please no...


Any new RE: the new arena at the Reno Hilton site?  Do they have a date to break ground yet?

What was the BIG [FB I’m assuming] announcement that was supposed to drop the-day-after the Presser for the new Barn, that didn’t materialize?



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On 3/25/2024 at 2:23 PM, ---I GREEN INFECTION I--- said:


Any new RE: the new arena at the Reno Hilton site?  Do they have a date to break ground yet?

What was the BIG [FB I’m assuming] announcement that was supposed to drop the-day-after the Presser for the new Barn, that didn’t materialize?



GSR arena is supposed to break ground in the fall, I believe supposed to break ground on the top golf stuff here soon which would be first step.

Still working on fund raising for practice facility, apparently getting close enough to where they might be able to do it somewhat soon. 2026 maybe it could be done, football team significantly improving might help get that across the finish line but we'll see how things go with Choate. 

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Aztec assistant Chris Acker is reportedly going to be named Long Beach State's HC at the conclusion of the NCAA Tournament.  And potentially hire Tony Bland as an assistant.



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