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2024 General Election

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On 6/3/2024 at 11:13 PM, toonkee said:

Listen to the sanity!

Just no chance. JFC, you Republicans. It's right there. She was Miss America. You don't have to choose a conman and his azzlickers. 



Eventually, we have serious choices to make on SS and the health care safety nets.  I'm not hopeful. Maybe the robots will save us. 

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On 6/3/2024 at 10:13 PM, toonkee said:

Listen to the sanity!

Just no chance. JFC, you Republicans. It's right there. She was Miss America. You don't have to choose a conman and his azzlickers. 



She sounds sane & actually backs some Democratic policies -- She's got no shot with the droolers in the GOP who are willing to vote against their best interests because maybe the other guy mentions ILLEGALS, GUNS, SOCIALISM ( Solicalim which they are all benefitting from, but too stupid to realize it) 

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God I hate this election.

I prefer my candidates without felony convictions, undiagnosed dementia & brain worms.  

thelawlorfaithful, on 31 Dec 2012 - 04:01 AM, said:One of the rules I live by: never underestimate a man in a dandy looking sweater


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On 6/4/2024 at 6:04 PM, mugtang said:

God I hate this election.

I prefer my candidates without felony convictions, undiagnosed dementia & brain worms.  

Well, shit, if you're gonna set the bar THAT high....

It gives me a headache just trying to think down to your level

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On 6/4/2024 at 4:04 PM, mugtang said:

God I hate this election.

I prefer my candidates without felony convictions, undiagnosed dementia & brain worms.  

There are a couple former Presidents I would like to see take the brain worm test.

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On 6/4/2024 at 4:29 PM, utenation said:




I’d give your left nut for George Bush to be president.  I’d give your right nut for Obama to be president. 

thelawlorfaithful, on 31 Dec 2012 - 04:01 AM, said:One of the rules I live by: never underestimate a man in a dandy looking sweater


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On 6/4/2024 at 4:41 PM, mugtang said:

I’d give your left nut for George Bush to be president.  I’d give your right nut for Obama to be president. 


Got us into the Iraq war under false pretenses

Almost blew up the economy by unregulating and unmonitoring derivatives

Exploded the deficit by passing Medicare Part D and cutting taxes 

Shackled a generation to debt by making student loans non dischargable in bankruptcy 

Authorized the use of Torture violating international law 


and he still might be a better option than having to choose Biden or Trump.  

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On 6/4/2024 at 4:57 PM, sactowndog said:


Got us into the Iraq war under false pretenses No corrections here

Almost blew up the economy by unregulating and unmonitoring derivatives  Not really Bush's fault.  The CRA essentially required lending to unqualified people.  And the repeal of Glass Steagall act (a republican bill signed by Clinton)

Exploded the deficit by passing Medicare Part D and cutting taxes True

Shackled a generation to debt by making student loans non dischargable in bankruptcy  This happened in 1976.  Nothing to do with GWB

Authorized the use of Torture violating international law Waterboarding isn't torture


and he still might be a better option than having to choose Biden or Trump.  

A few corrections above

thelawlorfaithful, on 31 Dec 2012 - 04:01 AM, said:One of the rules I live by: never underestimate a man in a dandy looking sweater


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On 6/4/2024 at 4:57 PM, sactowndog said:


Got us into the Iraq war under false pretenses

Almost blew up the economy by unregulating and unmonitoring derivatives

Exploded the deficit by passing Medicare Part D and cutting taxes 

Shackled a generation to debt by making student loans non dischargable in bankruptcy 

Authorized the use of Torture violating international law 


and he still might be a better option than having to choose Biden or Trump.  

Bush would be better than the LOSS, because, while Bush was a screw up policy wise & had a hard on to settle Bush 1.0's Iraq episode by lying the USA into a costly war ........... Bush 2 NEVER was a threat to the US from the presidency & ready to hand the country over to authoritarian theological / dictatorial rule ..........and the republican party of that era wasn't a subsidiary of Putin's Russian regime like it is in 2024 where they will willingly go along with whatever agenda the LOSS takes up.

While Biden's age is a concern, there's the reality that Biden will at least surround himself with competent people that would abide by the Constitution ............ Can't say the LOSS would have anyone around him but 21st century versions of Goebbels, Himmler, Goring, Bromann et al 

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