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Texas Outlet Mall Mass Shooting

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On 5/8/2023 at 8:13 PM, Akkula said:

But the gang bangers and rapists aren't the one slaughtering everyone in schools and malls. "Good guys with guns"  are the ones killing our kids.   Other countries manage to keep their citizens safe and put away violent criminals.  The USA has a high incarceration rate because we lock up non violent people a LOT.

The discussion is why would someone need a semi automatic weapon.  The reason someone may need a semi automatic weapon is because it is far superior for defense of your person.  In a country where gang bangers and rapists exist in the numbers they do, there are a lot of people who do not have the privilege of safety that you do.   Can you keep or am I just wasting my time talking to troglodyte?

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On 5/8/2023 at 8:14 PM, AztecSU said:

She stopped the monster we collectively created with easy access to ARs. Yes. 

Sure.  A good guy with a gun killed a bad guy with a gun and saved dozens of kids.  Glad we agree.  Thank god she had a semi automatic weapon that day and was allowed to carry it inside the city.

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On 5/8/2023 at 8:16 PM, halfmanhalfbronco said:

The discussion is why would someone need a semi automatic weapon.  The reason someone may need a semi automatic weapon is because it is far superior for defensive of your person.  In a country where gang bangers and rapists exist in the numbers they do, there are a lot of people who do not have the privilege of safety that you do.   Can you keep or am I just wasting my time talking to troglodyte?

You are buying into the "fear porn" again.   You gun grabbers are weak,  scared people.   Just go out without the gun.   Live on the edge like the rest of us.   You are totally brainwashed.   People in countries all over the world leave their homes without guns.  You are just going to have to accept a tiny fraction of a minuscule risk you wont get hit by a meteor, bus, or raped.

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The incel beliefs of this shooter are just as wild as his neo-Nazi beliefs.

An interesting mix of build-your-own radicalism.

A Bellingcat investigator has been digging up social media postings.

This incel one stood out to me.


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On 5/8/2023 at 8:22 PM, Akkula said:

You are buying into the "fear porn" again.   You gun grabbers are weak,  scared people.   Just go out without the gun.   Live on the edge like the rest of us.   You are totally brainwashed.   People in countries all over the world leave their homes without guns.  You are just going to have to accept a tiny fraction of a minuscule risk you wont get hit by a meteor, bus, or raped.

I don't carry a gun in public or in the woods.  I am privileged to live in a safe area in a safe city.  Many are not.  A question was asked, an answer was given.  

There are over 463000 victims of rape each year in the US.  That is half a million.  1 in 5 women will experience completed or attempted rape.  I'm glad you can be so dismissive of it.  Again, not everyone has your privilege.  

There tens of millions of people who have to live in real fear everyday in the US.  I'm glad you are not one of them but pretty gross you are so dismissive of so many women getting sexually assault, or the reality of living in certain parts of the country.

5,000,000 Americans will either be the victim of a home invasion or raped each year in the US.  Seems like a pretty good reason to keep semi automatic weapons legal.  If you disagree, fine.  But the numbers are the numbers.

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On 5/8/2023 at 8:29 PM, halfmanhalfbronco said:

I don't carry a gun in public or in the woods.  I am privileged to live in a safe area in a safe city.  Many are not.  A question was asked, an answer was given.  

There are over 463000 victims of rape each year in the US.  That is half a million.  1 in 5 women will experience completed or attempted rape.  I'm glad you can be so dismissive of it.  Again, not everyone has your privilege.  

There tens of millions of people who have to live in real fear everyday in the US.  I'm glad you are not one of them but pretty gross you are so dismissive of so many women getting sexually assault, or the reality of living in certain parts of the country.

5,000,000 Americans will either be the victim of a home invasion or raped each year in the US.  Seems like a pretty good reason to keep semi automatic weapons legal.  If you disagree, fine.  But the numbers are the numbers.

First of all, you will never convince anyone that all these rapes are these wandering bands of random rapists who conveniently pound down the door while the lady on the other side waits patiently with her gun to blast him.  Most of the time these are acquaintance and date rapes...like what Donald Trump and Kavanaugh were accused of by many women.  There is no way you are pulling out your gun and blowing away the perpetrator mid pussy grab.

Secondly, where there are young women rape targets there are also likely kids present.  There is no +++++ing way that having an unsecured firearm where the woman could use it against her potential rapist even makes sense with kids around.  That is why we have SO many dead kids.  Because idiots have guns in their house unsecured with kids.  The "cure" for this nonexistent stranger rape door banging down epidemic is worse than the disease.  We just have to count the bodies.  Most likely the guns available in society are going to be used by this woman's ex to kill her and execute her children.

In the case of some old couple or single childless woman, a shotgun makes more sense anyway.  An AR-15's only use is to kill ATF Agents at 50 yards as they try to storm your compound.  Unless there is a zombie apocalypse, there is no need for an AR-15.  The only use for a pistol with a removable magazine is to clear trenches in Ukraine of multiple targets in close quarters. 

No civilian in the USA needs these weapons with quick reload magazines.  People need to stop apologizing and pussyfooting around and just come out and clearly say this truth.

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On 5/8/2023 at 8:42 PM, Akkula said:

First of all, you will never convince anyone that all these rapes are these wandering bands of random rapists who conveniently pound down the door while the lady on the other side waits patiently with her gun to blast him.  Most of the time these are acquaintance and date rapes...like what Donald Trump and Kavanaugh were accused of by many women.  There is no way you are pulling out your gun and blowing away the perpetrator mid pussy grab.

Secondly, where there are young women rape targets there are also likely kids present.  There is no +++++ing way that having an unsecured firearm where the woman could use it against her potential rapist even makes sense with kids around.  That is why we have SO many dead kids.  Because idiots have guns in their house unsecured with kids.  The "cure" for this nonexistent stranger rape door banging down epidemic is worse than the disease.  We just have to count the bodies.  Most likely the guns available in society are going to be used by this woman's ex to kill her and execute her children.

In the case of some old couple or single childless woman, a shotgun makes more sense anyway.  An AR-15's only use is to kill ATF Agents at 50 yards as they try to storm your compound.  Unless there is a zombie apocalypse, there is no need for an AR-15.  The only use for a pistol with a removable magazine is to clear trenches in Ukraine of multiple targets in close quarters. 

No civilian in the USA needs these weapons with quick reload magazines.  People need to stop apologizing and pussyfooting around and just come out and clearly say this truth.


You are making a ton of wild assumptions.  The numbers are the numbers.  5 million Americans every year will be the victim of either rape or a home invasion.  Milliona more will have other acts of violence committed against them.  Most women raped are targeted by someone who knows them.  This makes it ALL THE MORE terrifying for women.  Comparing getting raped in the US to getting hit my a comet is yet another disgusting post in this thread.  And you think most rape victims are around children?  Why?  What is the logic there?  Married women are far less likely to be the victim of non spousal rape.  And rape is more likely to happen AWAY from home, hence another reason why someone may feel the need to own a semi automatic hand gun.

Also, say you know nothing about guns without saying you know nothing about guns.  Female anatomical features make using a shotgun more difficult: smaller hands and shorter arms, breasts, higher cheek bones, longer neck and most important, generally weaker muscle groups.  No, it makes far more sense to have a semi automatic handgun for females and the elderly.  Far more.


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On 5/8/2023 at 8:51 PM, halfmanhalfbronco said:


You are making a ton of wild assumptions.  The numbers are the numbers.  5 million Americans every year will be the victim of either rape or a home invasion.  Million more will have other acts of violence committed against them.  Most women raped are targeted by someone who knows them.  This makes it ALL THE MORE terrifying for women.  Comparing getting raped in the US to getting hit my a comet is yet another disgusting post in this thread.  And you think most rape victims are around children?  Why?  What is the logic there?  Married women are far less likely to be the victim of non spousal rape.  And rape is more likely to happen AWAY from home, hence another reason why someone may feel the need to own a semi automatic hand gun.

Also, say you know nothing about guns without saying you know nothing about guns.  Female anatomical features make using a shotgun more difficult: smaller hands and shorter arms, breasts, higher cheek bones, longer neck and most important, generally weaker muscle groups.  No, it makes far more sense to have a semi automatic handgun for females and the elderly.  Far more.


Great, they can still have a semi-automatic handgun.  It is called a revolver.  There is no need for quick magazine change guns.  You don't need to shoot at your rapist from 50 yards away nor have enough bullets to kill a platoon of rapists.

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On 5/8/2023 at 8:54 PM, Akkula said:

Great, they can still have a semi-automatic handgun.  It is called a revolver.  There is no need for quick magazine change guns.  You don't need to shoot at your rapist from 50 yards away.

Wut.  You clearly know nothing about guns lol

A revolver can be a great weapon for self defense.  On the rare occasion I do have a gun in the woods (usually holiday weekends when there are a ton of unpredictable drunks) it's what I carry.  However the ability to quickly put multiple rounds on target, which is much harder with a revolver, makes a semi automatic weapon better for self and home defense.  The same reasons why they are more dangerous in the hands of criminals.  A question was asked, an answer was given.  You don't like the answer and disagree with it.  That's fine.  

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On 5/8/2023 at 9:01 PM, halfmanhalfbronco said:

Wut.  You clearly know nothing about guns lol

A revolver can be a great weapon for self defense.  On the rare occasion I do have a gun in the woods (usually holiday weekends when there are a ton of unpredictable drunks) it's what I carry.  However the ability to quickly put multiple rounds on target, which is much harder with a revolver, makes a semi automatic weapon better for self and home defense.  The same reasons why they are more dangerous in the hands of criminals.  A question was asked, an answer was given.  You don't like the answer and disagree with it.  That's fine.  

Well if Jason or Leatherface is chasing you,  you probably won't deter them with a revolver...but it will deter nearly every potential rapist in the real world to have someone shoot a couple rounds in your direction.  We don't need to bring down a charging rhino.

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On 5/8/2023 at 9:12 PM, Akkula said:

Well if Jason of Leatherface is chasing you,  you probably won't deter them with a revolver...but it will deter nearly every potential rapist in the real world to have someone shoot a couple rounds in your direction. 

If your assailant is armed, you want to neutralize them as fast as possible.  If you miss, it is hard to re-aim and get another shot off with a revolver especially if you are smaller, giving your assailant more time to return fire.  If you hit but it is not a hit that neutralizes the target, the target will surely try to neutralize you.  You want to put multiple rounds in central mass.  Gang related home invasions are usually done with multiple people, so again, being able to fire quickly and accurately gives you a greater chance to survive that deadly scenario.  If that woman who stopped the AR gunman who wanted to kill dozens only had a revolver that day, maybe she and all those kids are dead and it is one of the deadliest shootings of kids in American history?  

I don't feel I need a semi automatic weapon for my protection.  The only one I still own I don't even have ammo for.  Again though, I am lucky and privileged to be a white man, living in Idaho.  I am not going to judge anybody else for thinking they need something else for self protection, unless you are a freak show open carrying an AR (which is a great weapon for home defense as well).  

We disagree on what types of arms should be available for purchase and allowed to be manufactured.  That's fine.  Nothing more productive will come from this conversation, so I am done.  Feel free to have the last word.

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Poor guy living in fear, scared shitless, takes defensive action !!! 


Starks man accused of shooting 14-year-old girl in back of head as she was playing hide-and-seek

Upon investigating the incident, detectives say that several juveniles were playing hide and seek in the area and were hiding on the neighbor’s property. When detectives spoke with the property owner, David V. Doyle, 58, he said he saw shadows outside his home, went inside, and got his firearm. Detectives say Doyle told them that when he went back outside he saw people running away from his property and began shooting at them, unknowingly hitting the girl.

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On 5/8/2023 at 5:27 PM, halfmanhalfbronco said:

If I came home and saw my house had been robbed and did not have a gun, the first thing I would do is go out and purchase one, and ask the guy behind the counter what he recommends for the defense of my home.  

Yes, you and I are privileged.  We know the chances of being the victim of violence in our home is almost none existent.  For too many people in this country, women and people of color especially, this is not the case.   

It's easy for well to do middle aged white guys living in the burbs to say "just ban all semi automatic weapons".  We are talking from places of privilege.  

If someone came into my house they better be quick shots because my dog reacts violently to guns on TV.   They step in the door with a gun they will be torn up.  

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On 5/8/2023 at 8:59 PM, UNLV2001 said:

Poor guy living in fear, scared shitless, takes defensive action !!! 


Starks man accused of shooting 14-year-old girl in back of head as she was playing hide-and-seek

Upon investigating the incident, detectives say that several juveniles were playing hide and seek in the area and were hiding on the neighbor’s property. When detectives spoke with the property owner, David V. Doyle, 58, he said he saw shadows outside his home, went inside, and got his firearm. Detectives say Doyle told them that when he went back outside he saw people running away from his property and began shooting at them, unknowingly hitting the girl.

Hope he was convicted and sued for all his assets.  

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On 5/8/2023 at 8:25 PM, halfmanhalfbronco said:

If your assailant is armed, you want to neutralize them as fast as possible.  If you miss, it is hard to re-aim and get another shot off with a revolver especially if you are smaller, giving your assailant more time to return fire.  If you hit but it is not a hit that neutralizes the target, the target will surely try to neutralize you.  You want to put multiple rounds in central mass.  Gang related home invasions are usually done with multiple people, so again, being able to fire quickly and accurately gives you a greater chance to survive that deadly scenario.  If that woman who stopped the AR gunman who wanted to kill dozens only had a revolver that day, maybe she and all those kids are dead and it is one of the deadliest shootings of kids in American history?  

I don't feel I need a semi automatic weapon for my protection.  The only one I still own I don't even have ammo for.  Again though, I am lucky and privileged to be a white man, living in Idaho.  I am not going to judge anybody else for thinking they need something else for self protection, unless you are a freak show open carrying an AR (which is a great weapon for home defense as well).  

We disagree on what types of arms should be available for purchase and allowed to be manufactured.  That's fine.  Nothing more productive will come from this conversation, so I am done.  Feel free to have the last word.

I would think a good shot gun would be more effective.  I would guess you agree from your earlier posts.  

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On 5/8/2023 at 10:12 PM, sactowndog said:

If someone came into my house they better be quick shots because my dog reacts violently to guns on TV.   They step in the door with a gun they will be torn up.  

Good pupper.  

And yeah to be honest I would suggest to any woman afraid for her safety a better investment is a big dog.  I read a study once, maybe I can find it again, of home burglars who said any home with a big dog is a non starter.  And if you are walking out and about with a big dog, ain't no rapist going to look twice at you.  We don't deserve dogs.  However they are such a huge commitment and for many in small properties or apartments or in the inner city it is just not feasible.  But for the average suburban man or woman...get a dog instead of a gun if you are afraid.  Not only will you be less likely to ever be victim of a violent in home attack, you also get a great friend.

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