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Unified thread on all the legal woes of trump & his clown cohorts

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On 6/15/2023 at 3:41 PM, SJSUMFA2013 said:

That’s a little harsh. He’s more like the old lady who falls for the Nigerian prince e-mail scam over and over again. I’d feel sorry for him if it wasn’t entirely his fault. 

Wait a second, are you telling me i am never getting my deposit back?

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On 6/15/2023 at 3:19 PM, bornontheblue said:

What should we do with all of the Trump voters. Pack em in a fleet of 747s and dump em out over the Pacific Ocean. Boom America Saved!!!!

Pack them in a bunch of  trains and send them over a cliff? 

I am being humorous but I would like to know if you would seriously consider these options if you had the ability to implement them? 


The problem with cons is that they take all these various positions and premises that are absolutely unsupported by any evidence, but they premise their arguments on them and expect anyone not in the cult to swallow their bullshit.  Things that cons have or currently do believe include:

  • Climate Change is a Hoax
  • Ivermectin cures covid
  • More tax cuts will actually cause higher revenues and less deficits
  • Biden runs a corrupt political DOJ and Trump was too big of a person to investigate Hillary and Biden
  • The main stream media is biased against conservatives

I mean the list goes on and on all the bullshit you guys will willfully swallow but you can't understand why "normies" don't just buy into this nonsense.  There used to actually be some conservative political thinkers and you actually had some policies and ideas that made sense.  Then you guys just jetsoned all of that and didn't even adopt a party platform and just went 100% cult.  

Nobody outside of the cult is ever going to just buy all this BS.  You have to at least invent some plausible new bullshit like, "more tax cuts to rich guys will cut the deficit."  But...."inject yourself with bleach to cure covid" is probably not going to fly with anyone who went to college.  That is why college educated people are leaving the cons so quickly....it is just silly season.

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On 6/15/2023 at 3:30 PM, utenation said:

Born is like the convicted felon that finally gets his chance in front of the parole board and has a song and dance about being a changed man. They buy it. 

One week later he’s robbing 7-11s again just like before. 

Yeah Born and Convert have some balls bringing in their Trumpist talking points in here all the time.  They are such bullshit.

Look, I could make some good arguments from a "conservative" point of view to shrink the federal government and allow more local control or various other things.  These clowns shouldn't even be calling themselves "conservatives" any longer.  They are just a white Christian nationalist cult.  If you are old, white, and Christian....you make the rules...that is their ideology.

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Even Liz and Adam voted against the 1st 45 impeachment.  Now, finally, we see a number of prominent Rs, on top of earlier ones, shifting against Trump over the contents of the indictment.  I don't find it hard that @bornontheblue has also changed his views and he has been consistent on his post-J6, anti-Trump stance long enough to matter.  I get that when he does the both sides thing, like earlier in this thread, it's not the best look.  But, it's not logically incompatible. 

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On 6/15/2023 at 3:56 PM, Akkula said:

The problem with cons is that they take all these various positions and premises that are absolutely unsupported by any evidence, but they premise their arguments on them and expect anyone not in the cult to swallow their bullshit.  Things that cons have or currently do believe include:

  • Climate Change is a Hoax
  • Ivermectin cures covid
  • More tax cuts will actually cause higher revenues and less deficits
  • Biden runs a corrupt political DOJ and Trump was too big of a person to investigate Hillary and Biden
  • The main stream media is biased against conservatives

I mean the list goes on and on all the bullshit you guys will willfully swallow but you can't understand why "normies" don't just buy into this nonsense.  There used to actually be some conservative political thinkers and you actually had some policies and ideas that made sense.  Then you guys just jetsoned all of that and didn't even adopt a party platform and just went 100% cult.  

Nobody outside of the cult is ever going to just buy all this BS.  You have to at least invent some plausible new bullshit like, "more tax cuts to rich guys will cut the deficit."  But...."inject yourself with bleach to cure covid" is probably not going to fly with anyone who went to college.  That is why college educated people are leaving the cons so quickly....it is just silly season.

Here's the real problem: I don't think anyone that supports or supported Donald Trump is a true fiscal conservative. Trump himself wasn't a true fiscal conservative, he was a populist that ran on the idea of sticking up for the forgotten American worker. I understand why someone would've voted for him over Hilary (don't agree, but understand), Hilary Clinton is one of the least likeable candidates of our time. The basket of deplorables comment was telling. Once the dems finally got someone relatable in, he wiped the floor with Trump.

I could go point by point, but I find arguing with people on the internet generally fruitless, so I will ask: Do you think the media outlets tend to be more liberal or conservative in general? Fox is for sure right, but what about MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS? 

There are only two things I can't stand in this world: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch. 

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On 6/15/2023 at 4:01 PM, grandjean87 said:

Even Liz and Adam voted against the 1st 45 impeachment.  Now, finally, we see a number of prominent Rs, on top of earlier ones, shifting against Trump over the contents of he indictment.  I don't find it hard that @bornontheblue has also changed his views and he has been consistent on his post-J6, anti-Trump stance long enough to matter. 

I think it’s great you’re trying to bring things back to par in this conversation. 


I’ve just seen way too much recent Trump apologist syndrome and double tongue out of Born to buy his BS.  Just my opinion. If you’ve seen enough to feel differently, all good. 

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On 6/15/2023 at 4:09 PM, utenation said:

I think it’s great you’re trying to bring things back to par in this conversation. 


I’ve just seen way too much recent Trump apologist syndrome and double tongue out of Born to buy his BS.  Just my opinion. If you’ve seen enough to feel differently, all good. 

More proof that I'm nicer than you. 

He really just despises the Ds and libs and remains a conservative on many things. That and he doesn't do much "work" on many things, but he is far from alone here in that. 

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On 6/15/2023 at 1:19 PM, grandjean87 said:

I can't go against @thelawlorfaithful this week.  Well, except the one Cormac McCarthy book I own is the one he would least recommend.   Blood Meridian does have a ring to it living here. 

The book is great. The movie is just superior. It’s a much better page turner than Blood Meridian. Starting with Blood Meridian is like saying I’ve never seen a Spielberg movie so let’s start with Schindler’s List. It’s awesome art in its way, but it isn’t vacation reading.

We’re all sitting in the dugout. Thinking we should pitch. How you gonna throw a shutout when all you do is bitch.

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On 6/15/2023 at 4:07 PM, madmartigan said:

Here's the real problem: I don't think anyone that supports or supported Donald Trump is a true fiscal conservative. Trump himself wasn't a true fiscal conservative, he was a populist that ran on the idea of sticking up for the forgotten American worker. I understand why someone would've voted for him over Hilary (don't agree, but understand), Hilary Clinton is one of the least likeable candidates of our time. The basket of deplorables comment was telling. Once the dems finally got someone relatable in, he wiped the floor with Trump.

I could go point by point, but I find arguing with people on the internet generally fruitless, so I will ask: Do you think the media outlets tend to be more liberal or conservative in general? Fox is for sure right, but what about MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS? 

Trump is a NYC Big Government liberal cut straight out of the 1930s mold.  Basically, he loves big government programs like social security, et al., as long as they only help white people.  Many of those old programs were specifically set up to disadvantage people and careers that were typically minority fields.  There is no big government program the Trump doesn't like as long as it goes to white people.  "FARM AID."  He is a typical "Swamp Creature" politician though who always makes sure his bread is buttered first with GIANT TAX CUTS, etc.


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On 6/15/2023 at 4:13 PM, grandjean87 said:

More proof that I'm nicer than you. 

He really just despises the Ds and libs and remains a conservative on many things. That and he doesn't do much "work" on many things, but he is far from alone here in that. 

And I’ve never claimed to be nice.  That was more of a compliment to you. I certainly respect a shitload of people on this board any they know the difference with my approach. 

But none of what you just said will change my opinion. Not that you were expecting to change it in the first place. 

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On 6/15/2023 at 4:13 PM, grandjean87 said:

More proof that I'm nicer than you. 

He really just despises the Ds and libs and remains a conservative on many things. That and he doesn't do much "work" on many things, but he is far from alone here in that. 

My views have considerably moderated on many, many things in the last 5-10 years. A lot of it having to do with real , and informative conversations with people here.  Something that simple Ute would not have the mental capacity to participate in. He keeps reminding me that he is bad news but I think it may just be all bluster.  There are a ton of stupid threads in the off topic board, and once in a while some really good ones. They usually get stupid right around the time simple ute shows up. 

I am still conservative on many things but I have changed my position away from orthodox conservative views on many others issues

My views have changed on gun control, immigration, climate change and others that I can't think of right off the top of my head. 

I don't get a lot of free time, so the little free time I do get I indulge myself in playing video games, and trying to enjoy life with my family. I could use it to thoroughly research different topics but I only get so much time. 

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On 6/15/2023 at 4:21 PM, utenation said:

But none of what you just said will change my opinion. Not that you were expecting to change it in the first place. 

I know that people here do change their minds and the dialogues in the forum are part of that process.  But, I don't think about that much, if at all, when I post.  I like exchange of ideas.  I like challenging folks.  I don't particularly care for the competitive angles that get thrown in at times.  If I did, I'd be a Twitter dude. 

No doubt, my challenges go more towards the right in this forum because of these political times.  There's plenty of knee jerk political tilt posting here from those on the left, and you may notice when I confront/disagree with certain takes there.  

I do wish there were a few more posters now, and more who liked deeper dives into specific policies dialogues.  

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On 6/15/2023 at 3:16 PM, Akkula said:

Trump is a NYC Big Government liberal cut straight out of the 1930s mold.  Basically, he loves big government programs like social security, et al., as long as they only help white people.  Many of those old programs were specifically set up to disadvantage people and careers that were typically minority fields.  There is no big government program the Trump doesn't like as long as it goes to white people.  "FARM AID."  He is a typical "Swamp Creature" politician though who always makes sure his bread is buttered first with GIANT TAX CUTS, etc.

Giant tax cuts that are to the advantage of super-wealthy Americans such as himself to a much greater extent than to the vast majority of his heads-I-win-tails-you-lose base.

The guy is a self-serving, lying, puss-sack bigot any way you look at it and the sooner he keels over from his lifelong Big Mac addiction the better it will be for the rest of the world.

But besides that, he probably has some redeeming value. Like being a good Christian perhaps? image.jpeg.4becac0c86531307d714ed593aeef816.jpeg

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On 6/15/2023 at 4:50 PM, UNLV2001 said:


The Birchum case has been referenced a lot recently.   He was indicted on one charge despite a few hundred docs in his possession over many years.  The guy had issues.  

Trump doesn't get indicted w/o the subterfuge and obstruction.  Former presidents are a different matter.   Intent is a higher barrier, and Trump gave it to them which is why he's fooked.  

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On 6/15/2023 at 5:12 PM, 818SUDSFan said:

Giant tax cuts that are to the advantage of super-wealthy Americans such as himself to a much greater extent than to the vast majority of his heads-I-win-tails-you-lose base.

The guy is a self-serving, lying, puss-sack bigot any way you look at it and the sooner he keels over from his lifelong Big Mac addiction the better it will be for the rest of the world.

But besides that, he probably has some redeeming value. Like being a good Christian perhaps? image.jpeg.4becac0c86531307d714ed593aeef816.jpeg

We were in D.C. a couple weeks ago.  Took some pics in front of that church (wife's idea mostly).  

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On 6/15/2023 at 5:10 PM, grandjean87 said:

I know that people here do change their minds and the dialogues in the forum are part of that process.  But, I don't think about that much, if at all, when I post.  I like exchange of ideas.  I like challenging folks.  I don't particularly care for the competitive angles that get thrown in at times.  If I did, I'd be a Twitter dude. 

No doubt, my challenges go more towards the right in this forum because of these political times.  There's plenty of knee jerk political tilt posting here from those on the left, and you may notice when I confront/disagree with certain takes there.  

I do wish there were a few more posters now, and more who liked deeper dives into specific policies dialogues.  

There’s a lot of everything on this board.

Your breakdown of federal law code has been spectacular.  It’s saved the board a lot of boring wordy reading. 

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