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Trump Arrest Thread

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On 3/31/2023 at 4:07 PM, TCU Robert said:

I can't tell if this amounts to Democrats shooting themselves in the foot

if trump is convicted of this felony can he still run for office ?  

I thought the best bet was for Biden to run against trump. 

If trump is disqualified then won't biden have to beat De Santis ?

I guess this has never happened before so no one knows for sure

So do you think the DNC like, called the Manhattan DA and coordinated this whole thing or something? Is the DNC also coordinating with the DAs in Georgia too? Because prosecutors in Georgia are just known for being super partisan liberals, right? 

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On 3/31/2023 at 4:09 PM, TCU Robert said:

Also, does this feel like the weakest crime charge ever?

So he paid a porn star not to tell everyone they had sex?   Who cares

I thought they should try and bring charges on January 6 or election fraud, not this one.   It is odd but I guess it is campaign financing fraud.

We won't know until Tuesday what all the charges are but at this point, I very much agree with you.

Yeah, probably Jan. 6 too but THE crime is that telephone call Mr. Grumpy made to the head of elections in Atlanta asking him to "find" another 11,780 or so ballots cast for the Trumpster.

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On 3/31/2023 at 4:14 PM, TCU Robert said:

no, I think it is a Manhattan prosecutor that has political ambitions and wanted headlines - maybe to run for office.

So he is prosecuting Donald for pay ing hush money for having sex

my first thought was this feels like some headline from a BYU honor code sex violation

I'm surprised his wife did not divorce him over it, but the european women seem to allow their husbands to have affairs

So then why did you ask if this was “the democrats shooting themselves in the foot”?

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On 3/31/2023 at 4:07 PM, TCU Robert said:

I can't tell if this amounts to Democrats shooting themselves in the foot

if trump is convicted of this felony can he still run for office ?  

I thought the best bet was for Biden to run against trump. 

If trump is disqualified then won't biden have to beat De Santis ?

I guess this has never happened before so no one knows for sure

He can still run. He can serve as President as long as he is not guilty of insurrection or rebellion, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. Per the 14th amendment. 

There isn't anyway the current indictment touches this. The GA one won't either. The DOJ one... if it shakes out before the election... could... possibly...

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On 3/31/2023 at 4:19 PM, TCU Robert said:

i thought it was very clear

the Democrat Manhattan prosecutor, with the loud support of all democrats, is prosecuting trump for having sex with a porn star and paying hush money -  i think to imprison trump with a sentance in state prison - maybe a few years?

so if Trump is in jail he won't be able to run

then the Biden would run against De Santis which i think has a better chance to be Biden than Trump

You thought vaguely saying “the Democrats” was clear? Lol, ok.

But again your question makes absolutely ZERO sense unless you accept the premise that there was coordination between the Manhattan DA and…. THE DEMOCRATS (muahahahahaha!). Because if you don’t accept that premise, saying all democrats shot themselves in the foot because one guy did a thing is pretty silly. 

I mean are you that naive (or disingenuous) that you don’t realize that GOP electeds would tie this indictment to THE DEMOCRATS even if elected Democrats criticized the Manhattan DA for his actions? 

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On 3/31/2023 at 4:27 PM, TCU Robert said:

I think it would be all but impossible to run if he is sitting in a jail cell serving out his sentence.

he wouldn't be able to appear at rallies or do the debates

I think De Santis would have to run in his place

It wouldn't be impossible at all for him to run. He may not be successful, but he can still run.

Sleepy Joe beat him from his basement lol.

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On 3/31/2023 at 4:29 PM, TCU Robert said:

you are rambling and way over thinking this

i was just spitballing and suggesting that if Trump is in prison then De Santis would run

that the democrats going after trump might cost them the election - because then the republicans would get a better candidate

Even if he is found guilty he isn't going to prison lol. 

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On 3/31/2023 at 4:29 PM, TCU Robert said:

you are rambling and way over thinking this

i was just spitballing and suggesting that if Trump is in prison then De Santis would run

that the democrats going after trump might cost them the election - because then the republicans would get a better candidate

I’m not overthinking anything. You made a dumb claim and I’m asking you about it. I have said in the other thread about this that I don’t give a shit about this case because I know Trump isn’t going to face any real consequences from it. 

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On 3/31/2023 at 4:32 PM, TCU Robert said:

ok that's true

i forgot about Biden mostly doing media appearance in his house

i guess anything is possible if they gave him access to a computer in his prison cel

He won't be in prison. House arrest at worst.

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On 3/31/2023 at 4:32 PM, TCU Robert said:

i thought it was a felony punishable by prison sentence  of 2 years

He would be put in house arrest. The logistics of the Secret Service alone would require it.

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On 3/31/2023 at 4:33 PM, TCU Robert said:

are you the hall monitor around here that tries to hold eveyone accountable for not posting to your liking?

you sound like a Boomer

Huh? If I see dumb shit I can reply to it, and you supplied some dumb shit in your post. Don’t like it, don’t say dumb shit next time. And I’m a millennial btw.

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On 3/31/2023 at 5:09 PM, TCU Robert said:

Also, does this feel like the weakest crime charge ever?

So he paid a porn star not to tell everyone they had sex?   Who cares

I thought they should try and bring charges on January 6 or election fraud, not this one.   It is odd but I guess it is campaign financing fraud.

He didn't pay either woman (McDougal or Daniels).  He should have and those direct actions would be not be criminal.  But, TFG had corporations pay those two women for silence on sex.  He did so ostensibly to benefit his campaign (think of the timing) via a catch-and-kill tacit for McDougal with American Media, Inc. (National Enquirer) https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/press-release/file/1119501/download , and via the Trump Org. reimbursing Michael Cohen for Stormy D.   That's a big no-no times two.  I don't see 34 indictments for direct actions related to these two payoffs.  There's more cover-ups of cover-ups if that 34 number is close to correct.  We'll know more after the indictment goes public. 

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On 3/31/2023 at 4:36 PM, TCU Robert said:

ok boomer

you failed to read that I said trump should be prosecuted for election fraud and then tried to call me out for not posting about Georgia (which is the same thing) .

then doubled down when i pointed out your reading error

I actually didn’t read any of your other posts because I didn’t care what they said. Hell, I didn’t even read the whole post I responded to because I found the beginning to be so laughably stupid. 

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