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Trump Arrest Thread

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On 3/31/2023 at 1:47 PM, happycamper said:

So what laws are worth prosecuting?

The ones that affect the most vulnerable and can offer the least resistance.  Rich white men that have a country to try and run, or are planning their campaign, shouldn't be bothered as this is beneath them.  

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On 3/30/2023 at 11:04 PM, IanforHeisman said:

Trump will be slaughtered by Sleepy Joe again.. Republicans are idiots to elect him.

Maybe. Maybe not. But consider this.

More than two years after Trump left office, our country remains deeply divided. That's because we still haven't had the mini-Civil War that will convince the great majority of people that Americans need to work together.

If Trump wins the Republican nomination but is convicted of a felony before the election thereby rendering his name on the ballot moot, the mini-CW could easily occur.

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On 3/31/2023 at 3:18 PM, 818SUDSFan said:


If Trump wins the Republican nomination but is convicted of a felony before the election thereby rendering his name on the ballot moot, the mini-CW could easily occur.

He can still run even if convicted.  Lyndon LaRouche and Eugene Debs both ran for President from prison.

It gives me a headache just trying to think down to your level

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On 3/31/2023 at 12:05 PM, Bob said:

If this were any other person in America, the prosecutor would have looked the other way. Trump as president is something you’d expect to see in Venezuela, Saudi Arabia or Russia. It’s concerning for our country, to say the least

NOW you have it right.

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On 3/31/2023 at 1:25 PM, RSF said:

He can still run even if convicted.  Lyndon LaRouche and Eugene Debs both ran for President from prison.

I stand corrected.

Here's hoping Mr. Grumpy wins the presidency but is convicted of a felony the punishment for which requires jail time and the usual suspects then Storm the Bastille to free their hero. Now THAT would start a mini-CV.

And it would be heaven on earth for the Grumpster.

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Watching his cuck son melt down on Twitter is glorious.... let's hope Don senior throws his embarrassment of a son under the bus to save his own ass

I can't sing and I can't dance but I can make romance - Macho Man Randy Savage

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