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  1. Supreme Court needs to step in and put a stop to this ridiculous nonsense. The trial was a sham of monumental proportions. Truly and objectively. Everyone knows it
  2. Bob

    Pride month

    The natural reaction to seeing feces is revulsion, tard. Unless you’re gay
  3. Bob

    Pride month

    Yes, yes, we already know the democrat party is a monolith of stupidity
  4. Bob

    Pride month

    Post some pics!
  5. Bob

    Pride month

    99% of lesbians are hideous
  6. Bob

    Pride month

    No congrats, and yes, do away with pride month. Sick of seeing gay shit everywjere
  7. You and grand jeans take turns sucking biden’s cock
  8. Ridiculous turn of events. Democrats +++++ing suuuuuuucckk
  9. It's still a disgusting attack on free speech.
  10. Or it was factually reported until losers decided to tell it from a loser perspective. Let's go with that
  11. IDK, but I bet we find out this upcoming gay pride month!
  12. Lmao. The usual mentally challenged eejits are out and about. They literally don’t teach conventional American history anymore. They teach who the first black, the first gay, the first Mexican, the first woman (never white males, who basically made everything decent and good in the modern world) to do this or that. They literally taught that the first Thanksgiving was tantamount to genocide
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