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About SJSUMFA2013

  • Birthday 06/08/1985

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    San Jose State
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    Da OG in da OC
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    Neutering bulldogs

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  1. They might be too dumb to know they hate America but they hate America all the same.
  2. Barr daid he’d vote for him again that spineless +++++ing dinosaur baby
  3. That’s a little harsh. He’s more like the old lady who falls for the Nigerian prince e-mail scam over and over again. I’d feel sorry for him if it wasn’t entirely his fault.
  4. I say 100. He’ll lie about it here of course but there is zero chance he doesn’t vote for trump or whoever the maga party installs as his heir apparent if he dies. Same goes for everyone who voted for him in 2020, regardless of what they say. They’re in it for the theocratic fascism. They hate America.
  5. Your entire last paragraph should be grounds for deportation.
  6. Y’all see the dozen or so “protestors” cosplaying in front of the courthouse? Hilarious shit. I hope we all understand by now that those retards are mainstream Republican voters. They are the party in its entirety. J6 was their convention. Prepare for terrorist attacks in the coming months. Most of them will fail because these people are +++++ing idiots but it only takes one. Be vigilant and do not trust anyone who voted trump in 2020. If they think you’re standing in the way of their theocratic fascist wet dream they won’t hesitate. 74 million potential mass murderers walk among us.
  7. Trump won’t even follow laws he himself signed what the +++++ makes Greg “yes I’m still alive” Geraldo think he’ll follow some kind of non binding gentlemen’s agreement? This shit is all so disingenuous. I just assume everyone who defends trump will be implicated at some point.
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