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    Fresno State
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    Fresno State athletics

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  1. I think the sparsely attended games and some cocky fans on here are the culprits.
  2. Propping up Ridgecrest and comparing it to ANY other city/town in California = Conturd, please keep trying to promote your dusty, desert-hot, podunk, middle of nowhere small town. You’re cracking us up.
  3. I know that it’s the definition of podunk tiny s.hithole of a town out in the middle of nowhere. The fact that some scientists live there doesn’t change anything. Lol
  4. Hey tard face. You’re from Ridgecrest! LMAO!!! Make sense as to why you struggle so much on here.
  5. Damn dude. Did you catch your best friend bangin’ your wife in your own bed again? Is your wife or best friend from Fresno or something? Lol
  6. More scar tissue. Lol “we can’t beat you,so…..your city sucks!” City smack, the mantra of losers.
  7. He is trying his hardest to hex the fvck out of you. Lol
  8. Lol yeah right. Did I miss the official invite?
  9. When I say scar tissue, I mean serious scar tissue.
  10. Man, all those losses to Fresno State have scarred you good.
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