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  1. Trump has raised more money in the last 24 h rs than Biden has all last month.
  2. Most Americans know what fair play is....and this trial ain't it. 30 yrs ago when I left the Dem party I honestly thought the unintended consequences caused by their policies were just naive. This is intentional destruction of our court system. Coming soon to a court room near you...your ass in the defendants chair for breaking a law no one can satisfactorily explain. Trump now wins by an landslide.
  3. Excellent list....I like many of these. Been on a kick lately to find the best less than $50 whisky. Latest finds..Wild Turkey Rare Breed, Basil Hayden, and BH Rye all VG lots of flavor.
  4. Ugh...I smoked my dad's cigars from being a little kid until I left home. I tried more than a few times...didn't get it
  5. Drink a whisky and say to hell with covid.....Smoker grill sides: Cut up cabbage, tomatos, onion, peppers, carrots, celery, etc. Toss with a bit of italian dressing, red/black pepper, garlic, onion powder, fresh mushrooms....place on a veggy screen put on smoker grill at 220 for 15 to 20 mins. Goes with any smoked meats fish etc. Cut small potatos in half , rough up cut surface. butter and any other spice you want onion garlic red black pepper paprica. Can start in microwave. Finsh on grill. Half our at 220. Cream cheese. Season block with anything savory... bagel, onion garlic, red pepper.. or sweet ...brown sugar, cinnamon, etc. 220 for an hour. Put on toast, potato or crackers Any of these can go in the grill with main course.
  6. Your liquor cabinet would be more interesting than ours: gin tonics, good stock of wines, merlots, cabernets, sturdy reds. Bacardi frozen drink mixes, pinacoladas are standard fair. We could branch out a bit more.
  7. Thats some fancy scotch...i do like those but if you drink your favorite everyday ...it wont be your fav very long. My tastes are very simple anyway Woodford is a great whisky too. Another one of my go too's is Eagle Rare. My dad smoked dog turds ....hated them then and ....i still cant stand to be around cigar smoke. Mom smoked cigs too so I figure I smoked enough in my lifetime.
  8. Very sorry to hear...he truly believed in his cause. We differed on about everything....thats what makes the world go round.. Wish his family well.
  9. Everyday whiskies: Eagle Rare, Woodford Reserve, Jameson. I like wine of all kinds. Both my folks smoked, spent my childhood keeping smoke out of my eyes, Dad smoked cigars....and they are disgusting.
  10. Very early this morning I had to make a quick trip to Walmart to get some bacon. When I returned home, I realized I had taken our thawed bird in the back of my truck with me to the store. Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving.
  11. Consistently right....or consistently wrong....doesn't matter.
  12. Like Hillary, she should be exonerated by the FBI DOJ without any imvestigation.
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