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About retrofade

  • Birthday 11/27/1982

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    Fresno State
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  • Interests
    Fresno State and UNC sports.

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  1. Sorry if I missed it previously. How soon are you guys moving out there?
  2. Yeah, the drinking days are behind me. I can have an occasional drink, but that's it. I haven't been smoking very many cigars lately, either.
  3. This really is the thread that keeps on giving. Year after year after year.
  4. Or maybe CalFurd shouldn't have thumbed their nose at inviting almost the entire Big XII South. It likely would have made the Pac-12 the richest conference, and instead we sit here at 23:59 for it.
  5. It's technically Joint Base San Antonio along with Ft. Sam Houston and Randolph AFB. But your point does stand. I actually used to live just a couple of Mike's from Randolph when I lived out there.
  6. I heard Oregon State being flung around in rumors over the last week or so. I just figured it was more people throwing shit at the wall. Then again, Scheer has been throwing shit at the walls for a while now.
  7. That's the first I'm hearing of it. Unless you're just bullshitting us. Because, if so.... well played.
  8. Football drives the bus, and UConn adds next to nothing for football.
  9. thanks for the Ryzen info...is there any precaution to take before a fix is available?

    1. retrofade


      The article outlined a way of doing it, but it comes as a performance hit and isn't a sure thing. For now, it doesn't look like there's a lot that can be done outside of waiting for a fix. I'll be monitoring it though. I don't have an affected CPU, but my son does. 

    2. renoskier


      my Acer which I bought at Costco has one of the mentioned chips

  10. Since I can respond, I will respond. I was not, am not, and will never be a moderator here. What I posted to Steve may have been in poor taste, but I honestly don't give a shit because he deserved it. He flipped the fvck out over something that --- as hmhb has noted --- the person who posted it wasn't even aware of what Steve lost his mind over. You're sick for talking about someone's child being raped. What an absolutely vile thing for you to have thought, let alone said. Steve is a mentally disturbed individual, and I've heard even more stories about him from multiple people after you bumped this thread. He is not welcome here. He will never be welcome here. Give it up.
  11. No, he's just on a month's long crusade to bring SteveAztec back here after I've told him on countless occasions that it isn't going to happen. I've had discussion with staff members over it, and to a person they've all said the same thing. Yoda thinks that SA was just bullied and doesn't deserve the shit he got, when the opposite is true.
  12. Get over yourself, Yoda. My post happened YEARS after what was referenced, and it was because he was pulling the same shit here again. As I told you, he contacted someone's fvcking employer over being pissed off about something on the internet. The only person that crossed a line was him. Stop your pointless crusade to let the fvcker back here, because it's never going to happen. If it did, this place would die, because of all of the people who would leave. @halfmanhalfbronco @happycamper @mugtang @4UNLV
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