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    San Diego State

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  1. Crooked Don's highly empathetic reply to the news: https://www.nbcnews.com/video/trump-reacts-to-hunter-biden-s-conviction-calling-it-a-distraction-212742213638
  2. Hey, somebody has to break Jerry Kill's record. (No pun intended.)
  3. I somehow didn't even know about that other board until yesterday and having now seen that guys like you have registered there, maybe I'll do the same.
  4. In a prior professional life I worked for a state commission that administered various statutes passed by the legislature. The commissioners, who were located in Sacramento and appointed by the governor, were tasked with hearing appeals of decisions rendered by the commission's staff throughout the state and were assisted by attorneys who performed legal research and drafted opinions for them. During one of my visits to headquarters, I had lunch with one such attorney and the topic of discussion turned to the then-chairman who had been appointed by Jerry Brown and was far-left politically. I commented to the attorney that I couldn't believe the chairman's dissent in a recent case. The attorney replied that before the parties' briefs had been received, the chairman, who was supposed to be neutral of course, as much as told her what his decision was going to be and he wanted her to find some published cases that might somehow support that decision. Clarence Thomas is clearly a contemporary far-right version of that former California state administrative commissioner.
  5. No, because he's not necessarily bought and paid for by white supremacists; just by the right wing of the GOP. So instead of calling him an Uncle Tom, I'll be more respectful and refer to the guy as Uncle Thomas. On your final point, do you think that anyone who criticizes a Black person for any reason whatsoever must be a racist? Yes. . .yes, you do. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Clarence_Thomas
  6. This one's good too: I keep waiting for Murdoch and Co. to fire Brett Baier. Watcha think, Bob?
  7. Close but no cigar, Crooked Don. Nobody cares about Hunter Biden except most Republicans.
  8. Indeed. It's a sad state of affairs when a 2nd world country like Mexico can manage to elect a better president than anybody we have running for that job here.
  9. My criminal procedure professor in law school said there is no consensus on the point but unlawful is often distinguished from illegal in that unlawful refers to conduct not sanctioned by statutory or case law whereas the default for illegal conduct is something which is statutorily designated to constitute a crime. As such, "unlawful" covers a broader range of actions than does "illegal." But that's in a general sense because such arguable ambiguity is often resolved by interpreting legislative intent. "Ambiguous" statutory - or contractual - language is that which can reasonably be interpreted to have more than one meaning. In my world, the preferred interpretation should be that which makes it more likely for Crooked Don to be convicted.
  10. 1, Good point. 2. That would depend on what other quid pro quos there were. (Note the plural QPQs.)
  11. Oops. I meant Spartan Stadium. As in the dictionary definition of "spartan."
  12. Bullseye. The schools to be shown the door are Hawaii (through no fault of its own), SJSU (to its discredit because the Spartans have terrible facilities and haven't accomplished anything as MWC members except have a few fair football seasons), and Nevada (which won 60% of its games under Chris Ault but just 44% of them immediately preceding Ault and since he retired and, at 77, the guy isn't coming back for a third go-round plus their stadium is as bad as UNR's).
  13. The Mountain West was at its peak (bad pun inevitable) when it had 9 members. So 7 current MWC members would be a great number for OSU/WSU to poach.
  14. Given how many Latin nannies push baby carriages holding white kids and sometimes Asian and Black kids around my neighborhood, I can't quarrel with that. However, California doesn't exactly call the shots on immigration reform. And California has far too many people already. As for "banning" asylum, the ACLU might want to consider that the process can definitely be changed and the not exactly far right 60 Minutes had a segment a couple of years ago that opened my eyes to how many people are allowed to remain in the US while the immigration authorities try to confirm their allegations during which time they disappear and those whose statements are found to be bogus sometimes remain in the US for a decade or more despite no lawful right to have done so.
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