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Did I hear a WOOSH?

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  1. That would certainly be a sweetheart deal for you. I know it’s depressing to think about but you’re in a better place. There is zero stability in the PAC. You don’t want that. You want to be in the future ACC/aac.
  2. You guys look good. I would absolutely trade Utah for Memphis in the XII. In every way.
  3. What a crock of an athletic department. Absolute g6 mentality. They somehow raced to the bottom of the league and are full of actual babies.. from the fan level all the way to their inept AD, who’s a failure at his previous jobs as well. Some schools are just not good at football, like Houston, but they contribute in the other sports. And bring valuable markets. Utah sucks at everything but football and even there they feasted on a weak PAC sometimes; never has shown ability outside of beating the same 6-8 teams in some years. I can see why they were reticent to join the XII, they didn’t want to be exposed as BYU-lite. What a joke.
  4. They are heading towards a merger around 2030. It’s painfully obvious at this point.
  5. Some have been saying that for a couple hundred pages here.. it’s not a good situation for the pac.
  6. None of the schools you mentioned are leaving their situation for anything other than p4.
  7. The PAC is becoming the Big (W)East. I’m sure most of those schools would be ok with that, except Boise.
  8. It doesn’t really matter because you’ll both be earning about the same money and will both be in the same conference again by 2030.
  9. Some have been mentioning Texas state for a while, more of a testament of who you listen to here than anything.. There is nothing the pac can offer the aac schools that the aac doesn’t already have. The new PAC and the MWC will be merged into the same conference by 2030, it’s kind of silly seeing all this discourse when they’re basically just arguing over divisions at this point. I would be surprised if many (if any) more schools get called up to fbs at this point. There’s major pushback against allowing any more mouths to feed at the fbs level.
  10. I don’t think it’s personal. The g6 conferences have been getting serious pushback from the powers that be about bringing up more fcs schools, diluting the pool. There’s a breakaway coming and every school added now takes more away from everyone else.
  11. They still can’t afford them. They don’t have a media deal. PAC keeps offering free lessons in how not to operate..
  12. I went back and watched the game and am less upset than I was in real time. It’s obvious our coach is a great recruiter/gm but not a good x/o guy. It took a lot of unlikely things to happen to get to that result. We’re going to be fine. Am curious about Colorado though, they were much more prepared and better coached than I thought they were. Travis Hunter is something else, haven’t seen a player like him in a long time. The race is wide open and both our schools are still in it.
  13. @robe well done wish I could’ve said the same for my guys
  14. There was some soothsaying in there for sure, wanted to show that he connected with what the fans wanted emotionally. But let’s be real, if there were any numbers that were remotely possible or practical the aac schools wouldn’t have rebuffed the pac so quickly, it was a matter of hours. They would’ve kept quiet and worked quietly behind the scenes, instead the AD came out and said basically they have no deal to offer, just want us to join on the prospect that there’ll be revenue one day but not today. This isn’t a matter of ‘well increase your buyout support from $2.5 to $10m then we’ll come’, it didn’t even get to that point.
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