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Everything posted by MetropolitanCowboy

  1. China is the real thorn for the US, not Russia. We should worry about spending more on R&D instead of worrying what Vlad’s visions on Kiev are.
  2. I guess have the CIA sell then weapons out of Eastern Europe, maximize the carnage, and make some money doing it. Javelins, ATGMs, the works. That’s all I’d do.
  3. Let them fight it out. They ousted the pro-Kremlin guy knowing it could unleash a bigger shitstorm than Mickeys and Taco Bell.
  4. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/01/12/covid-omicron-plateau-new-york/ Omicron showing signs of slowing in initial hotspots.
  5. Lionel is your typical classist though, so his hyperbole never shocks me.
  6. Then when a Republican gets elected again, Lionel will whine that we’ll all be conscripted into Holocaust camps.
  7. You’re a glorified accountant that over bills people. What do you know about the law, Lionel?
  8. No one ever did that. Time to lay off the edibles for the night lol
  9. Not at all. I will say though, the 2007 Fiesta is one of the best games I’ve ever watched in my life.
  10. Seems like it’s morphed into a common cold type of deal, which would explain the whole lack of vaccine effectiveness, too. If it’s a really mild strain and becomes said dominant strain, not necessarily the worst thing in the world. I don’t think Omicron is necessarily something to panic about yet.
  11. A lot of horse shit for my taste, personally. The horse people are a strange bunch.
  12. Lots of cool shit around it…I was only there about half the time, so I’ve done a fair amount of wandering around this semester. Great food around campus too.
  13. That’s awesome! I’m going to law school here
  14. That’s where I’m in school at right now too lol Great place.
  15. Memorial Hall — University of Kentucky Lexington, KY
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