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  1. https://fantasy.espn.com/free-prize-games/sharer?challengeId=251&from=espn&context=GROUP_INVITE&edition=espn-en&groupId=d50b0f03-4309-4f78-928e-b83be017779d&joinKey=2d1ca445-6ee1-370c-a93f-9df63913ae94 password = Coastie
  2. https://fantasy.espn.com/free-prize-games/sharer?challengeId=251&from=espn&context=GROUP_INVITE&edition=espn-en&groupId=d50b0f03-4309-4f78-928e-b83be017779d&joinKey=2d1ca445-6ee1-370c-a93f-9df63913ae94 password = Coastie pin me please…
  3. Still crying about how you couldn’t watch Hawaii ruin your perfect season in 2010? Get over it, it was almost 25 years ago
  4. I’m thinking the MWC should trade Wyoming for them.
  5. Agree, that’s another option to get fans to pay to view games. Still have to work out the “illegal” users like Netflix’s is doing.
  6. I don’t see any other option right now but PPV for Hawaii fans. Until we get a bigger venue (stadium) I’m sure Hawaii fans needs another option to see the games and pay to view it. It’s like adding seats to your attendance.
  7. At this time yes but it fluctuates annually.
  8. You’re correct but as it stands now, Hawaii has been getting more from the spectrum deal which includes BE sports. I think PPV is on its last legs, it has hurt Hawaii attendance more than poor performance.
  9. I can see Hawaii spitting the Spectrum TV contract into 2 different contracts, one for MWC sports and the other for Big West sports. Right now our Big West sports are getting the shaft as it’s part of the overall contract. Which means the MWC is benefiting from the spectrum contract right now as Hawaii spectrum contracts includes ALL sports. By spitting the contract into 2 separate contracts Hawaii would probably then opt to receive their MWC portion of its TV deal instead of the spectrum football portion and still collect on the BW portion. Right now Hawaii has opted to receive the spectrum TV monies (which includes BW sports) instead of a MWC TV deal share. If they do that I don’t foresee any PPV football games being aired.
  10. Agree but I don’t think full membership to the MWC was ever pushed by the previous administration to even gage their interest. Matlin and Lassner were all in for the Big West so I don’t think they even tried. They were content with the financial aspect of it more than anything else. Now with both of them out the door soon, Angelos is listening to what the fans want first before the bottom line.
  11. Being that all new members to the BWC wouldn’t receive travel subs from Hawaii, I would think Hawaii would be all in for the add-ins.
  12. My guess is it will be in 2026 when our TV deal with spectrum gets renewed. Also when the PAC-2 has to make some decisions.
  13. All our oly sports both men and women would contend except men’s basketball initially. I’d give the men’s BB program maybe 3 years to rise up to MWC standards.
  14. lol, Just think how bad it would be for Hawaii.
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